Multicraft Question - Jewelcrafting

Starting to get more into the crafting side instead of just doing work orders and feel a bit confused by multicraft.

Example. I just crafted 30 gems with 18% multicraft and 25% resourcefulness. Resourefullness proc’ed about 4 times and multicraft only once. This was on the Enduring Bloodstones. These gems are currently selling for about 600-700g below the cost of the mats. I’d assume that is taking into account both resourcefulness and multicraft, but given the small test run I did, the numbers don’t seem to be numbering. At minimum I would need to get one proc about every 6-7 crafts to make it positive and given the 18% multicraft, I though i’d easily hit that.

Anything I might be missing? Just too small a sample size? Thanks!

I find it difficult to make a profit out of the pvp products such as the various bloodstones, vials or equipment for that matter. Most important, the bloodstones and pvp vials have no ranks, no shenanigans with concentration possible so it falls to doing the maths with the reagents and as you noticed, undercutting morons are heavy in that market. That leaves the always elusive multicraft and resource procs. Better to just sell the mats really.

Even worse with equipments… PvPers are notably a bunch of city dwelling paupers that do not go out and complete simple gold WQs. So there fees to craft anything is very often lacking appeal. They still sell the pvp recipes an arm and a leg though!

So that is my take on the pvp crafts. Get the recipes for the patron’s WO, and do not even bother to argue prices with the paupers. You do get surprises sometimes… Sometimes.

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I’m on tich so the PVP items are pretty solid for crafting. I have a bunch of toons doing JC and it’s teh one thing that’s been pretty profitable for me outside of BS, though that seems to come in waves.

Yea, I don’t get the gems though. They are well below what’s profitable. You’d have to get some really lucky procs to make it work, and even then, profit margin is razor thin. Just feels like I’m missing something or people are just throwing their gold away.

I think tbh it’s an alt army thing, concentration crafting three R3 gems from R2 mats per alt. If you get a multicraft proc on any of those three conc crafts, it’s pure profit. If you have 20 or 30 alts (or even more) doing it, it adds up.

The PvP meta gems don’t benefit from concentration. That’s the part that is confusing. >.<