Multiclasser LF AOTC Guild

Hello everyone!

My guild is currently becoming toxic with drama daily so I’d rather not have a part in it anymore. I’ve been playing the game since BC and have mulitple tiers of CE experience. Currently am 190+ on 5 toons. If your guild is strictly raiding, do not waste my time. Looking for a place to settle down on off nights and just chill/run keys/PvP. My exp is 10/10H CN 3/10M. I have done all fights as both tank and DPS.

Raid times - Anyday after 8:30pm EST.

Classes - Warrior/Rogue/Monk/Druid/Paladin

Hey there!

[A] Proudmoore AOTC Focused 9-11PM PST W/Th Raid looking for late night like minded players to clear content, do keys, and casual pvp.

We still need a few more for a full raid roster.

I am happy to help team members get to 3 vault boxes every week while we get that settled.

You can reach me at grimthane#3215 on discord, or VeryGrim#1543 on

Hello! And thanks for visiting Perfect Loot!

We are looking for DPS and Healers for our mythic raiding team in Shadowlands!
Also looking to grow our gaming community, so all casual and game lovers are welcome!

Raid days are Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, hours are 8:30PM-11:30PM Eastern time

Contact Gentlepalm @ Gentle#11834 or Bazhunter @ bazhunter#1268

Thank you!

Hey Gooqy!

Are you bored with not dying all the time? Then join Optimal Baddies and find yourself so engrossed in guild chat that you’ll be running off cliffs and pulling 20 mobs at once in no time! Recommended by 4 out of 5 Spirit Healers.

Jokes aside we are a semi hardcore raiding guild that is coming back from the ashes of taking a break and looking to clear heroic and mythic. We are currently looking for more members to fill out our DPS Roster.

If you are interested in a good group of players who have gotten CE in multiple expansions then this guild is for you!

we are located on Lightbringer, Alliance faction.

Raid times are as follows.

Monday - 8PM-10:00PM EST
Tuesday - 8PM-10:00PM EST

If interested please reach out to one of us!

Bnet - Goldfish#1198
Discord - Goldfish#7851

Bnet - Ninjaspace#1577
Discord -ninjaXpope#0788

Still looking

Eternal Rise is a established guild formed 7 months ago on Area-52 and is lead by long term CE players. Our goal is to be a semi-hardcore CE focus guild without the extensive raid days or alt requirements. Outside of raid times we are active by doing m+,pvp, and playing other games, we have a great friendly social community. We are looking for more like-minded players that have the drive to push for CE while enjoying the game. Recruiting all exceptional -DPS- applications. Thank you! :slight_smile:

Castle Nathria 6/10M 10/10H
Raid Times: Mon/Tues/Thurs 8pm-11pm est





Contact Info
Bnet: Grace#1550
Discord: Grace#9631
Guild Master/Recruiter

Hi Gooqy! I think we’d be a great fit. Take a look and let us know. Happy to chat more!

if your looking for a no drama place S E V E N might be the place for you. You can see our recruitment post here

Battletag: Drochdeo#1237
Discord: Drochdeo#6966

We are US Bleeding hollow [H] We raid Sunday’s 6-10 PM EST I started this guild for people like myself with families, jobs, unpredictable schedules etc. To kill bosses on a minimal time commitment. We are currently 9/10 H and looking to push as far as we can this tier

Add me on discord: Neil#4199
We can have a quick chat and see if we could be a fit for you

Hey there Gooqy, we are in search of some dedicated players to join our Raid team as we push to the end of this tier. We are a Heroic focused guild that raids Tuesday and Thursday from 6:00pm-8:30pm and are currently 9/10 Heroic. We are a smaller guild with a roster of 17 at the moment, but we are trying to get to 20. We are Alliance on Proudmoore and you can reach out to me on discord @Khell#4727 if you have any questions. Best of luck finding a guild :slight_smile:

Hello! ScrubClub is a brand new progression raid guild that will be pushing for Cutting Edge in the Shadowlands. We are mostly in our late 20s and have real life responsibilities, but still want to push the most difficult content we possibly can. We are looking for active players of all specs for the raid team, but we also want people who enjoy playing the game outside of raid.

Raid teams progress faster when the players are having a good time. While progression is the priority, we also understand that games are supposed to be fun. We’re only toxic in the fun way, and no one’s gonna get screamed at in a raid. Our goal is to achieve cutting edge in each tier going forward.

Raid Times:

Wed: 7:30pm-11pm

Fri: 7:30pm-11pm

Server Time

We are actively looking to fill most slots, and all classes/specs will be considered. We also enjoy nights off of raiding. Doing mythic+ and pvp and just hanging out and having a good time outside of raid. If you are interested in joining a brand new guild, please contact Arctic Camel#5900 or Legerity#6788 on discord.

Hey add me on discord - I have the home for you! - Br33ze420#9584

Hello, I’m the raid leader for OK WHO PULLED on Antonidas. We are a raiding and key running guild with a more laid back atmosphere. Our raid times are Friday 9-12pm EST, and Sunday 8-11pm EST. Even if you would be joining later on Sunday that would be just fine. We are 5/10 H CN and looking for more dps.
This code: S7NKfQYZ28 is our discord or you can contact me via Bnet: Xiscorr#1497

Prototype, an Alliance guild on Stormrage, is a guild of players looking to form a tight-knit Mythic raid group that enjoys Mythic+, PVP, and leveling alts together as well as progressing towards AoTC / CE in Shadowlands. A handful of us rejoined retail in February after trying out Classic and realizing that what we really missed most out of the game was not the content from years ago but the team we had built. Many of us have stayed friends for over 10 years and we plan to add more cool people to our ranks in the weeks and months to come.

A little background on us:

A few of the core members have been raiding together since the original Vanilla wow days. Progressing as a unit through most tier contents has been a big focus of our friend group. We have not only cleared all content that we have ever faced, but in Wrath we produced and maintained a top 50 US guild on Stormreaver. We plan to continue this trend of efficient raiding yet not too bleeding edge that we cannot enjoy the content.

As I said before, we are looking to add like-minded players that we can form a tight bond with us as we continue through Shadowlands. The goals we set will reflect the desires of the recruits and players we bring in. We plan to keep the numbers smaller than most guilds all while making a name for ourselves on one of the largest servers in the US for Alliance.

What are we looking for?

-We are currently looking for players with a positive yet competitive mindset

-We gravitate to players who have a good sense of humor and thick skin but that can focus when the time is right to buckle down (aka progression)

-Good attitude and mutual respect towards fellow guild members

Our Raid Schedule is as follows:

Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:30 - 11:30 PM EST

Casual and Alt friendly Normal/Heroic Clear Saturday 8:00PM -12:00AM EST (Optional)

Shadowlands Progress:
Castle Nathria:
2/10 Mythic
10/10 Heroic

We are currently recruiting the following:

3-4 DPS

  • Unholy DKs
  • Havoc DH
  • Shadow Priest
  • ANY Exceptional Parsing players

1 Healer

  • Disc/Holy Priest
  • Resto sham
  • Holy Paladin

Any Classes that feel they would add to the competitiveness of the roster

*We will always consider any exceptional players

Feel Free to add our GM on Bnet if this guild suits your interest:


Dirt Flap is a core group of 14 that left the previous guild to form their own guild. We are looking for chill people that want to push content and have fun. Raid leader of 8+ years experience.

We run many mythic+ groups, pushing into Mythic raiding, & RBGS.

Raid Days: Tuesday & Wednesday
Raid Times: 7:30-11 pm Server Time (CT)

10/10 N

Minimum ilvl of 210+, experience 9/10H.

Currently looking to fill some spots. will take any of these classes/or amazing player.

Contact me Jaebabe#1755
Or Sh0#9012

Hey Gooqy,

[H] Area-52 Guild 10/10 Heroic is currently recruiting players to push into Mythic content and for CE.

Our guild currently consists of older gamers (25-30+) and is looking to expand our gaming community with talented and skilled players who want to down the content without the drama, egos, or toxicity. Most of us have been raiding together for 4+ years.

We are currently 10/10 Heroic and 2/10 Mythic.

We currently raid from 10:30 PM EST - 1:30 AM EST

We are currently recruiting any DPS Players/Specs

If you are interested in raiding with us, or want more information please message Axial #1159.

Thank you for your time!

Hey hey Gooq,

Lemme refer you to Cohortes Praetoriae

We’re raiding Heroic (9/10) right now, intent on moving to Mythic quickly. We raid W/Th 9pm to midnight CST – but we’ve also got a strong lot pushing keys and looking for more who want to join us in the dungeons. And we have a (right now) small nucleus of PVP oriented types (myself included) and trying to get more.

The guild is that right mix of chill and understanding people who are serious about improvement, advancing content, and getting good. If that sounds about right to you, I hope you’ll reach out.

To give you a sense of my own story, not that long ago I was an orc. Been horde for a decade. Then I started talking to this dwarf named Sloppi. You know what I was thinking? Ally. Sargeras. Scum of the earth. Now, having run with 'em a little while, I might still call them scum of the earth. And they’d just laugh. Bunch of F’in pirates, really, for all that the guild name is some Roman honorific. But look: I ended up transferring to the Dark Side and, well, the dark side is good.

If you have any interest, I can answer questions you might have, or I’d refer you to the aforementioned Sloppi, who does most of our recruiting and is way better at it than I am:

Contact Sloppi on:
Discord - fiikfiic#1242 (that’s four i’s)
Battlenet - fiikfiic#1815

I hope we hear from you, and good luck. There are tons of great guilds out there and I hope you find the right one for you.


Hello potential new friend,

We are Munchma Quchi (9/10H on Thrall), and we are looking for some solid DPS to fill the holes in our raid team. We are in desperate need of a warlock and demon hunter. We are open to all kinds of DPS (ranged preferred). I don’t think there’s anyone in our raid group under the age of 25, so clearly an adult atmosphere.

We raid Fri/Sat nights at 9-11pm CST. Enchants, consumables and repairs are provided by us for our raiders. We ask that you bring a positive attitude, a good sense of humour, and the willingness to learn. We have dabbled in mythic, and have achieved AOTC in every tier since we began in Legion.

We run keys daily, we like to PVP, and some of us play other games outside of WoW (le gasp, I know).

If this sounds like the kind of environment for you, hit me up in-game (Annora#1484) or on discord (Annora#0420) for an invite.
‹Munchma Quchi› @ Daggerspine (US) - Guild Profile (
‹Munchma Quchi› @ Thrall (US) - Guild Profile (

Hey Gooqy,

We are very interested in having you in our raid Outside of raid we do a lot of keys. I’m posting our spam below, and feel free to reach out if we seem like a good fit.

Our goal in Shadowlands is to be one of the best guilds on our realm.

Raid Schedule

Tues/Thurs 9-11 EST Sat 9-???

Castle Nathria- 10/10N, 9/10H

Our Expectaions

We expect our raiders to be on point with keeping up with their class and specs to be able to play at a high level.

We expect our raiders to be prepared by at least knowing how the boss fights works either by reading or watching a video on the boss to have some understanding

Be able to do mechanics when asked to

Push yourself to be your best

Keep up with current content

If you are interested in applying

Please have logs or sims available!

If you have any other questions please contact and of our officers!

Hanna💜#7405 (My Discord)
Caihanna#1448 (My Battle tag)
Toorisky#5517 (GM Discord)
Toorisky#1810 (GM Battletag)
grums#2784 (RL Discord)

Hey bud! It sounds like you could be a good fit for us here at <Coup de Grâce> (A) on the Azjol-Nerub server group (Azjol-Nerub, Khaz Modan, Blackrock, Nordrassil, Muradin).

~About Us~
We’re a semi-hardcore raiding guild established in 2008, with a fair number of our core players being part of the guild for much of that time. We value community as well as progress and try our best to run events outside of raids and regular mythic+ runs, such as AmongUs/Jackbox games or sometimes hosting communities/servers in other games.

Tuesday 6-9pm ST (8-11pm EST)
Sunday 6-9pm ST (8-11pm EST)

Our goal is to push as far as we can go in mythic in a low time commitment, high skill environment where we can all trust each other to know what we need to, strive to improve, and get things done. Current progress is 10/10H and 2/10M in Castle Nathria.

We’re looking for skilled (particularly ranged) players who are patient, smart and keep a good attitude while playing. We like to have fun and joke around a lot during raid, but players should know when to focus and take a fight seriously. We try to maintain a group of casual, non-elitist, but highly skilled players. We typically trial players in mythic+ or farm runs before bringing them to raid progression content.

OUR APPLICATION: (We have recently switched over to discord in place of a guild website, that is where you will be able to see all of our guild info.)

Please feel free to add me in game for any questions about the guild or our application process at Skuldawg#1199.