Multiboxing the Forums

Proof. I do have the void elves unlocked. Lemme grab that post from the other avatar.

Here you go:

EDIT: I’ll quit showing off, now :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

It doesn’t work.

Maybe the false flagging thing works but I don’t know.

It does. Do it enough times, you’ll trigger the auto-ban for 2 weeks.

For science, you’ll only know, if you do it, yourself. I haven’t tested it out, for awhile. So, IDK what changes have been made to the system.

People like to claim this doesn’t work but it absolutely does. Stupid system when you ask the community to police themselves. Your tools are weaponized for :poop: heads.

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lol i didnt realize this was an actual topic

I have to go tear my house apart now to find my dogs flea and tick pill. I moved them and can’t remember where to. cheers!

Cheers to your quest.


I do this. I have five druids that I fly around the forums with looking for easy likes to farm.


Looked in two rooms for the my dogs pills - nope.

I also am currently sautéing onions and celery for my crockpot chicken and dumplings and I cannot find my crock pot bags either.

Someone pray to the Gods for me to find these items bc I am getting sweaty and nerdy.

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Oh shoot, you just reminded me I need to go dice onions for a white chicken chili I’m making tonight. Time to pause the forum browsing for a bit.

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Careful what you are saying about folks posting on different toons. some get upset as their reasoning is the only reason and may get you silenced or forum banned. :wink:

What’s hilarious is when you spot one who starts a controversial topic, states point, then argue the point back on another toon just to get others all riled up.

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Need the recipe NOW!! I have been craving dumplings and chicken and can’t find my recipe! Lol

First rule of multi-boxing is, you don’t talk about multi-boxing.

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delish.c o m

“Easy Crock-pot Chicken and dumplings”

I’ve been making this for a couple months now.

It is SOOOO good.

You do not have to sauté the veggies - but it makes it better-ish. I think.

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Man, I struggle to justify keeping one account active.

I don’t have this kind of time on my hands.

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Flagging the same post on your alts is against the coc and will get you a suspension.

I just looked it up. It looks good!