He’s probably Ok, but I’m feeling a bit fractured. He’s not me, BTW, but the two replies are. lol
I’m sure theres a couple people who do so but, they’ll never actually admit to it. For whatever reason, winning internet arguments they start is so important to some people they’ll invent their own supporters.
Sounds more to me as though you would like a “How-to Guide on effective Trolling”
Yes, people multibox on the forums a lot.
There are several who I’ve found who are multibox alts having full-blown conversations with themselves. You can spot this with the little clues they leave. They’ll have the exact same people conveniently always showing up whenever they post, agreeing with whatever they say regardless of how ridiculous it is or are always the top in hearting their comments. They’ll have the exact same syntax as well.
No, what is the point?
Why do you feel fractured? Is it mostly bc you’re undead?
As I implied right above you, people will do it to falsely increase their notoriety. They want it to look like someone agrees with them when nobody does.
It’s so awkward when you encounter one of these people because they always have the exact same responses when called out on it, which is another red flag.
Just being silly, as I posted on this character and two of my alts in a thread about forum multiboxing. lol
I switch my avatar every once in awhile, and I don’t think this is possible (I could be wrong). I think you’re allowed to make one post, if you’re on a different avatar, on one browser, before it auto logs you out, and you have to sign back in, and it fixes itself.
I only know this 'cause I browse the forums both by computer and phone.
Reason I switch avatars is dependent on the situation. Whether I want to post in a Mog thread, answer a question and posting on “the right” avatar (as proof), my mood, etc. I don’t always post on the same avatar.
EDIT: I never heart my own posts 'cause that’s silly, and the toons I post on are all in the same guild “Charmed”. I even have avatars of those names completely alt command free.
Multiboxing on the forums lol.
Who does that?
I know, right?
It’s actually a lot more common than anyone would think.
OMG I’m dead
Unless they’re taken elsewhere, than I have to alt command, but it should be fairly obvious that I’m the same person.
EDIT: Original Charmed and not the reboot
Tried getting into BC Classic…I couldn’t get into it…this is as far as I went.
Am I doing this right?
I’m not interested in anything beyond 50, but this toon did unlock the void elves and lightforged draenei…she’s my first and oldest toon.
I’m not so sure.
I have way too many toons. Yes, I have a Horde character that’s actually 52 which unlocked this race, for me…I don’t even play that 52 much. I just…don’t care for that content. Its sole purpose was to unlock this race, and its job is complete. It’s just…that 52 is a hunter with the spirit leopard from Sholazar Basin and Raptor from Org…
But back to “normal”
EDIT: If that’s not proof enough that I play the game…