Multiboxing positivity

Because semi-literate multiboxers are determined to try and change minds with their bad faith arguments and logical fallacies of “Blizzard didn’t ban it so it isn’t bad”

It’s amazing how a person can be so close, yet so far.


The evil software is just a virtual KMV switch.


multiboxing is pay to win. it gives one person an advantage by way of spending more money.

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DUDE…the SAME thing happens when you DONT box :laughing: :laughing:
You think your keystroke is literally poking your character in the ribs to move??? :rofl:
No…the SOFTWARE interprets they keystroke into X function thru the software/hardware that is programmed with all the instructions.
Boxing doesnt change ANY of that, lol


yawn. refuted like 9000 times already.

wrong…you can box for free. farm gold = token = free wow account

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I feel the same way about many defenders of Multi-boxing, if you could just admit you get an unfair advantage, by tossing money at the game, and owned up to it, it’d be a lot easier for you.

Or gold, if you’re so inclined. I’m sure all that exponential wealth you get from getting to loot things 2-8 times helps pay for it all.

It’s whatever though, you guys have just been talking in circles for a while now.

Still have not been presented anything to shift my opinion of multiboxing on.

I still believe they are a massive net detriment to the game, and blizzard called this one wrong.

Being able to roleplay more than one character at once is a huge advantage.


i like how its the same multiboxers every time. look at all of those rp server likes. i missed you like squad. whered your warlock go?

More like, blizzard the game maker is filled to the brim with programmers who know what BOTTING and BOXING actually do and are…even if you do not…and THEY decided that one is a violation and the other isnt.
You arguiing with Parker Brothers every time your opponent passes go and collects $200 ? :wink:
I doubt it.

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You’re right. 1x6x1=1 not 6. How could I forget…lol

sure thang there, 70 posts. Name some of your alts you post with :wink:

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im not posting on any alts here, this is the one and only.

Where do you draw the line at an “unfair advantage”? People with 20 button mice? Ultra wide screen monitors? Better computers? Faster internet?

It’s difficult to reason someone out of a position they didn’t reason themselves into.

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how many hours of this exciting wednesday night will be wasted. you guys are heroes.

Sorry but it aint UNTIL YOU are personally prohibited from boxing while someone else isnt.
You dont get to CHOOSE to walk to work then cry when I CHOOSE to drive my car.


no one cares.
No…really…NO ONE CARES.
I promise.

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Why wouldn’t it be generally the same people. Especially if they are people that frequent the forums and it’s a topic of interest to them?

I would be surprised if I didn’t see certain people posting on this topic. I would be worried that maybe something happened to them or they might be sleeping.


My arena partner is busy or I’d be working on getting my pretty pretty birb.

My roommate is not ready to get on the beta and do mbox oriented bug hunting. We’ve submitted hundreds of bugs so far.

Been playing ALL day on my lower monitor.
Made maybe 60,000 gold today just fiddling around.
Been watching youtube and working on websites and half a dozen other things on the upper monitor this entire day.

well, it’d be a bit more interesting if it was different perspectives making these threads, not just repetition of the same topic by the same people. plus it’d show a bit more support for multiboxing, rather than just 1 person and his 10 accounts.