Multiboxing positivity

I love how some people keep posting agains multiboxing even when blizzard stated that isnt agains their ToS, meanwhile i am having a blast with my teams!

But to them your kind of fun is unacceptable and needs to be cancelled.

Thats what make it more fun to me, because they only rant what they cant do, so they come to forums to express their frustration agains something that is allowed.

I doubt multi-boxing being removed would garner the same response. :woman_shrugging:

And blah blah blah, you can post those bullet points all you want, still going to provide my feedback on it, and still insist while it might not break the letter of the law, it breaks the spirit of the law.

Discourse on this forum is practically worthless, no one’s going to read your posts anyways, and will just strawman what you say in an attempt to be quippy. That or verbally attack you for not agreeing with them. :roll_eyes:

Apparently, Blizzard thinks otherwise.

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Good for them, their minds have been changed before. It can happen again.

here we go with your jokes assessing the numbers you admitted to knowing NOTHING about :laughing: :laughing:

No ones trying to stop you, guy. I appreciate the opportunity to do this to you all.
When you start boring me, I’ll put you on ignore. till then…

only with those who cant accept reality for what it is.

yeah…those pesky facts just dont mess up with your empty emotionalism, I know…sucks .

do I need to REpost the one calling me a ‘mongoloid’ from YOUR side of the isle again?
Stop playing victim…you aint one

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Keep that dream alive. Makes it more entertaining for me :slight_smile:

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I’m not the one calling you that, but you’ll still resort to ad hominem against myself, for the actions of another?

I’ve already long since stopped taking you seriously, you only seem to pop up to insult.

Im right here waiting for the quote where I called you some derogatory name.

Such a liar.
Ive given you HARD FACTS for much of this thread. That you choose to cover your eyes and pretend you dont see it isnt my problem.

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I’m not a liar.

You simply spout over and over again. “It’s okay because blizzard says its okay.” and completely ignore everything else I say, and constantly seem to get my posts mixed up with others. :roll_eyes:

You’ve been attacking my character not my argument this entire time, That’s what an ad hominem attack is. It does not mean to just insult someone.

You’ve constantly attempted to put forth that my feedback is nothing but emotional non-sense, and that I’m nothing but a conspiracy theorist.

All you insist is that, “Blizzard says it’s okay, so it’s okay, therefore no complains, comments, or feedback against it is utterly pointless, trolling, or just emotional outbursts or conspiracy theories.”

It’s not an exact quote, but that’s the stance I’ve gotten from you based on your posts. You seem to only post specifically to insult or demean people, and ignore all feedback or responses behind the idea of blizzard said it’s okay.

You know what blizzard also said once?

Do you recall a little thing called the “Wall of No?”

That didn’t age well did it?

yeah…theres them FACTS you hate so much LMBO.

No guy…you just cant handle being told YOU ARE WRONG, lol.
But you are.

lying again. I never told you not to talk. STOP pretending to be a victim!
Again…you clearly dont like FACTS…FACTS like boxing is ALLOWED and DOESNT HAVE TO BE JUSTIFIED TO YOU or anyone else here.
Is that not clear enough?
Clear or not…it IS the FACT of the matter.
Now proceed to deflect or whatever youre going to do from here.

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The fact the wall of no has been shattered beyond repair utterly destroys any ironclad stance you think you have.

show me MY quote. Otherwise stop lying.

your posts certainly havent.

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Sorry…let me check…lala…lalala…lalala…lalalalal do do…lala…yep…game launcher STILL allows EIGHT accounts to run.

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And I will continue to provide feedback that it shouldnt.


The wall of no didn’t stand the test of time, and it’s quite possible blizzards opinion on multi-boxing can as well.

I’m not an emotional conspiracy theorist like you’ve attempted to portray me as. :roll_eyes:

This isn’t a feedback thread. This is a positivity thread and you’re being a negative Neil.


It’s a multibox thread.

IF you need to use a “program” to make it work its a bot. You can try to spin it anyway you want end of the day youre a botter and blizz doesnt care because they got paid.
The only reason they take issue with it at all is when a 3rd party is doing it to run a business like gold farmers. Because they arent getting the whole pie, everything is accepted as long as the cash pie belong solely to blizz.

I don’t know if that would help you :rofl: questioning if people got beat as kids and if they have mental illness, unsat :-1:

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