Multiboxing positivity

These mindless hate threads got old two years ago lol

had to. Id have posted my words for it but we BOTH know youd have been rambling on for 17 pages about how wrong it was even though it would have conveyed EXACTLY what I googled :wink:

I’ll gouge to the death. difference is I wont come in here tossing fits if I cant or I get screwed somehow by another player. I may make a joking thread about it, but I dont blame other players for MY failings like some do in here.

but yeah…when its good I’ll buy up everything I see, jack up the price and make scads of gold for no work.
And then someone will inevitably come in here screaming about it blaming some poor boxer for what I did :wink:

And sorry guy…but you clearly…and again…fail to comprehend something about the game and the AH and the economy.
When crap is being cycled thru the AH FAST then undercuttng doesnt matter that much…my stuff will sell BEFORE you all can farm it and get it stocked again.

not to mention I’lll bait you with a low price drop on the AH so you list your stuff for 2 gold because you think thats the undercut price, then I’ll snag yours all up even cheaper and make even more when I flip it.
Ask the guys who that happened to who whispered me some hate jokes :wink:

I know how the AH works guy…I dont need ANY help with it

TL;DR: "I can’t refute your logic and common sense. I can’t even maintain a convincing pretense of reasoned debate. So I’m going to back out of the topic with my tail between my legs, all the while fraudulently claiming the moral high ground. "


ick…more power to you.
I guess im just very very cheap. ive given away a ton of gold this expansion just to keep from being tempted.

nah…Ive made more this one than in legion.

Im sure it has been different…but Ive had no problem making crap loads of gold from stuff all over the game. IF the economy were that bad stuff wouldnt be selling…no one would have the gold to buy it with.
I can make 50k a day without breaking a sweat and 100k if I sweat just a little,lol
I dont see this bad economy you all keep talking about.

and yet you still don’t see how it applies here. maybe if you read some of that 17 pages you would grasp that.

I never said there was an issue with gouging. ever.

My own failings? please don’t try to create some strawman here. people are bringing light to an issue and others here are dismissing it.

do you think that just everyone can farm ore and herbs and make money off it? of course not. at some point, it’s no longer ‘profitable’ relative to a players time. when you have someone multiboxing and essentially taking the role of 10 separate players, it lowers the price so it’s no longer a feasible source of income as those players can’t compete with the multiboxers. farming used to be a fairly stable way to make gold. its substantially less so these days…

you can say I don’t comprehend while you continue to ignore my questions… pick one.

the fact that you gave an example of an item that we weren’t even talk about says enough about any discussion you want to have here. I’m talking specifically about goods farmed by multiboxxers and you bring up skinning.


anecdotal. there is substantially less gold in the economy now.

still waiting for a response.

I gave you a response and you deny slavery doesn’t exist now.

nothing more to add?

no…Im sure 17 pages of your inane ramblings would push me right into a mental ward lol.

Im not the one in here tossing fits about the economy and boxers dude.
Read your own posts for criso’s sake LMBO

They shouldnt even be trying. its chump change.

Its NEVER that great relative to our time. Farming mogs, pets and flipping is how you make gold in this game.

uh huh…and would you still be tossing a fit if it were ten players?
its NOT your concern how many players are behind those ten characters guy…i know you cant accept this fact, but it is what it is.

Youve been pretty good at proving you dont have a clue…so I guess I’ll go with that one…

I mentioned about MAKING GOLD on the AH by FLIPPING blood stained bone if that is what youre talking about.

I wouldnt waste my time skinning the crap…not with the massive nerfs they pulled early on.

what a load of CRAP…LMAO…YOU claiming the BFA economy is bad IS JUST AS ANECDOTAL as MY example from legion :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
And guy…this is a YOU problem. Im still making far more gold than I can spend.

I asked you about REAL world product that a business can sell at ONE TENTH of the price to produce.
You in response gave me crap from slavery days that has NO bearing on THIS discussion. We dont use slavery in this country anymore. you know thatright?

And AGAIN...slavery REDUCED the production costs...The final product was STILL sold for MORE than the cost to produce it

just stop while you still have some integrity.

aannnnnnd here we go :wink:

who here is tossing a fit? anyone responding to you i guess?

yesuna said they are paying for 10 accounts with it. chump change? okay…

the first gold I made in this game was from farming ore. it’s been the mainstay of the economy forever in this game and now it’s being unminded by a few.

no. not at all. that doesn’t make any sense relative to anything I have said.

you can make stuff up all you want bud, doesn’t make it true. this entire time I have been advocating for the individual player. everything I have said has centered on that and nothing you can you can say, make believe or not, can refute that.

this has NOTHING to do with the topic at hand. nothing. my entire points was around gouging of goods farmed by multiboxxers and what do you do?? give an example of something you get from skinning.

how lost can you be? skinning? really man? we are talking about nodes are multiboxxing. not skinning.

You’re acting like i’m saying gouging doesn’t exist which I have NEVER said anything even remotely to close to. I’m saying you can’t gouge on a product that is the most readily available in the game. NO ONE is buying 300k+ of ore just to try and make more gold. you know why? it doesn’t work.

dude. this isn’t anecdotal. you can see the value of wow tokens as a base line of gold in the economy.

wowtokenprices. com/extended-history

you can see the economy never recovered to legion levels and has actually been falling for months now. nothing anecdotal about it.


I didn’t give you an example from slavery days. man. seriously. what is your problem? why do you need to lie so much here?

I gave you a modern day problem. this is something affecting us right now. cheap labor from china and cheap prison labor in the US is a VERY real thing and VERY real issue.

You don’t even get the point. Slavery ARTIFICIALLY lowered prices. If you didn’t own slaves, you couldn’t compete. This caused a massive amount of poverty as it consolidated funds to the rich. Do you not understand that? Do you think slavery was good for everyone? The rich got richer. That’s what we have now as well. Cheap prison labor making goods at a fraction of the cost and being sold on a distributions levels for pennies.

you have 0 integrity.

the response had everything to do with this discussion. multiboxxing is exactly what unpaid labor is. it exploits how the system works. thats WHY yesuna can pay for 10 accounts. she’s not putting in the work of 10 players… she doing the work of one player controlling 10 toons. that’s why its profitable.

please ramble on more about your 30 years of experience and your denial of modern day slavery.

youre posting in a fit tossing box hate thread guy.

I make enough for three tokens on ONE character in a week guy…yeah…chump change.

you can box any time you want. You arent a victim. You get no sympathy.

uh huh…sure it doesnt…

look in a mirror next time you spew this one up

the individual player who boxes?

only in your own mind…

WOW…dude you need to learn to pay attention.


YOU rambled on about the ECONOMY and the AH…and MY RESPONSE was about FLIPPING on the AH…
Clear enough that time???

You’re wasting your time discussing multi-boxing with a guy who thinks you can 20 tap a node. lol

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And Im saying youre wrong. Blood stained bone WAS readily available early in BFA…I KNOW BECAUSE I WAS BUYING IT all day long.
and I jacked up the price and flipped it and made 700k in about four days.

really struggling to keep up guy…maybe its time to call it a day.

You have no clue what your talking about LMBO.
Early expansion when everyone is leveling professions and making crap those rich players throw gold around like nothing.
Just stop. Its really embarrassing at this point.

Dude…so is your joke about the BFA economy…Im making TONs of gold in it.

Sure you brought up slavery…I sure as hades didnt. LMBO.
I asked you to show me real world products that someone sells for 1/10 the production price and you started railing on about the constitution and slavery LMAO.

Again…slavery REDUCES PRODUCTION COST dude…they Sell it for MORE than that cost LOL

uh huh…keep telling yourself that…maybe you’ll be able to sleep tonite.

10 PAID accounts is 10 PAID accounts. the number of players behind them isnt relevant to YOUR game.

You also don’t know how the AH works, do you? Just stop.

It’s not hard to control a section of the market. It’s easy for one single individual to crash a type of good, or bring it back up.

hate thread? really? hyperbole much?

yea, k.

then clearly yesuna and players like them are just morons right? clearly they are making chump change paying for 10+ accounts. i mean, I may not like them, but they are clearly making gold and doing a decent job at it.

do you read what you type before you submit it?

never said I was a victim. never was seeking sympathy.

which has nothing to do with the topic. I never said flipping and gouging doesn’t happen. I said it’s not happening relative to THE MOST READILY AVAILABLE RESOURCE IN THE GAME. you see, I can type in caps to.

can you read that now?

never said that. but you aren’t below lying and making stuff up.

but who cares. I did the same with mounts. how you think I made my gold? your example means nothing here. literally nothing.

yes, you’re embarrassing yourself if you’re arguing that people can gouge on the most readily available farmed good in the game.

I posted you actual stats and you hur dur anecdotal response. I’m not saying gold can’t be made. did i? please Rhakeeptahp, please show me where I said you couldn’t make gold.

i’ll wait bud. i’ll wait.

railing on the constitution? I gave you a perfect example and you want belly ache about it. how cute.

It’s just to funny. I give you exactly what you ask for and you want to ramble on about something else.

dude. wow. I’m not denying that. but there isn’t a net benefit to the economy.

I want you to answer this one. is slavery good for the economy? you don’t need to answer any other questions here. just answer that.

sounds like that is what youre trying to say.

hey bud, if denying slavery is real makes you sleep, more power to ya.

it’s obviously not or people wouldn’t be doing it. lol.

you can’t possibly make a dumber response then that.

I got all the gold and mounts to say otherwise. since you don’t know how the economy works and you actually think people gouge on the most readily available farmed good in the game says enough about your opinion.

hey…hes clearly the amazon AH expert here.
I mean…I was only able to take 50k gold and turn it into over 700k in four days flipping but who am I to argue with his expertness LMBO.

There ya go.
Ive had players screaming at me in whispers over screwing with the prices both ways. One dude was SERIOUSLY ticked at what I did.
but its all within the rules…so alls fair.

ignoring it doesnt make it void dude…learn to read.

uh huh…try your divisiveness trash with weaker minds…

did you ?
Cant help that you arent able to figure out how to make gold dude…I make more than I need .

lol yeah, I got a good laugh from that part. Guess I should tell him that I’m a business owner, which I am. That nonsense doesn’t give any credibility on a video game forum. loool

sure come off that way… :wink:

wow. you and I are likely done here…you cant keep a train of thought better than my hamsters can.

and AGAIN…YOU DONT KNOW whatyoure talking about…again…Blood stained bone WAS READILY available when I flipped the crap out of it…
I was the gouger dude…and it was sold out every night…

dude…just give it up…you arent impressing anyone here with your obvious lack of understanding

uh huh…lots of tokens being bought even now for those high cost mounts guy…

well, you just said they make chump change bud.

i guess paying for 10 accounts is chump change bud.

like, what does this bring to the conversation? do you think I’m here for lack of gold? really? thats it? you think i’m out there farming ore and herbs? really?

that’s how low you gotta go? don’t have a real point to make so you want to sum up this to that?

it doesn’t. do you think that makes you unique?

well, since you pull most of what you think out of thin air, I guess.

and you can’t even respond to the actual point being made. nice job! +1

so readily available and couldn’t be farmed by multiboxxers.

man, please. please stop. seriously. you tried to make an example of an item that doesn’t even relate to the topic. I don’t care about skinning goods.

yes, you’re lack of understanding while you offer up examples that have nothing to do with this discussion.

did you look at the graph? did you?

or you going to deny that like modern day slavery?