Multiboxing positivity

Question: They did say it was in War-Mode. Could the player just be herbing in-between ganking? That would give someone a reason to have, say, 10. Or two 'boxers w/5 each?

Just trying to think of reasons. It’s like a puzzle to me. :slight_smile:

Im sorry…Ive seen them stacked…Never even had even the remotest interested in counting the…
eh…not buying it.

It is easy to count if you use Plater.

if you defend it, you might as well.

would ever? man, where do you people come from? seriously. speaking in absolutes. you can’t even make this stuff up, yet here you are. to say ‘ever’ is just nuts.

I know exactly what I saw.

already explained this. they were in druvstar camping the PvP areas and hitting up nodes. it was right in the middle of the map by the azerite nodes. there was a massive group moving as a single unit killing players and farming herbs.

it’s seriously hilarious that you want to argue that this is somehow impossible. what is the matter with you?

you’re more than welcome to respond to any of my comments, but if it’s not directed at you, don’t answer it like it was.

just calling it like I see it.

this has already been discussed. cherry pick more maybe?

if you want to defend it, i’m going to group you in with them.

this actually makes no sense, not that you have any anyways. and our side? you say you don’t multibox but you want to take their side?


no explanation you would offer would be worthwhile.

this is exactly what it was. nothing more.

I have no idea why they want to complicate this. this was on Tich mind you and world PvP is VERY active. The multiboxers are nothing new.

the dude clearly doesn’t know how to count.

Thats just stupid guy.
I can defend the right to free speech WITHOUT exercising it.
Good god :roll_eyes:

you saw a ‘stack’ of boxed characters. what I doubt is that you counted them all.
Ive no doubt you’ll do it from here on out, but I dont believefor a second youve BEEN counting up till now.

You’ll get the response I provide within the confines of the TOS.

your side seems to be good at that…

You can be as ignorant as you choose to be…but the FACT that NON boxers are defending it doesnt exactly help your cause :wink:

I know how to box…unlike you, I know how it works. Ijust choose not to do it.
And yeah…I take their side…they arent harming anyone except gougers.

Maybe a moderator can explain it to you then…

Do you even know the meaning of the word ‘condone’? You should go look it up.

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The problem with this argument is that people aren’t leaving in droves. The only thing smaller than the number of people multiboxing is the number of people complaining about them.

And if you’re claiming people will unsub over this (despite nearly 16 years of it not happening yet), I extend this invitation:

You first.


Worst example of gaslighting I’ve ever seen.

Maybe they would. Probably they would. The evidence I’m still waiting for is that it has happened, is happening, or ever will happen.

Sure, Blizzard would notice if a bunch of people quit because ‘mUltIbOxInG bAd’, but it just isn’t happening.

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what does this even mean? i’m in no way saying someone doesn’t have the right to speak freely here.

like everything else here, this makes no sense.

no, I don’t see a stack of boxed characters… I use threat plates and I have them overlap. I don’t like the stacking style. that said, its VERY easy to tell if you’re looking at 20 people versus 10.

you are here to argue. that’s it. pathetic.

yes man, I get that. but respond accordingly. like for the sake of discussion it’s confusing if you respond in essentially a first person manner to a comment that wasn’t directed to you.

quit being a child.

my side? i’m not speaking for some group. i’m speaking for myself. if you want to cherry pick my responses to build some non-existent narrative, by all means. i’m going to call you out on it.

ah yes, those droves of players defending multi boxxers. yes… I’d love to see how many of those are the same player on multiple accounts that have already been mentioned in this thread. hrmmmmmm.

no one is gouging prices at that level. the competition at the level is ridiculously high. you know what, i’m heading home soon and I’ll just go take a look at how many people are selling herbs and ore. I GURANTEE, those items have the most diverse group of sellers relative to ANY good offered in the game.

price gouging? you don’t even know how basic economics work so please spare me and everyone else the ignorance.

I haven’t seen a blue post saying Multiboxers aren’t allowed in BGs :man_shrugging: could be wrong though

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Are they really your friends, though? Would ‘friends’ force you to endure the soul-crushing evil that is multiboxing in WoW?

I think you’re better off without them. Follow your heart. You’ll find new friends, better friends, in another game.

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I believe what he was saying is that he can speak for something without participating in the activity.

I wonder if people realize that comments like this will only enrage people.

Not me, too much ego to not be myself at all times lol

Shh… Get that logic out of here, there’s no room in an anti-MB mind for logic.

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If you really feel that way, and it really bothers you, why do you keep participating?

Finally caught up. :smiley:

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Because nodes are capped at 10 taps before they vanish. So it makes no sense whatsoever to go above 10 characters. Otherwise any above 10 are just dead weight and costing you extra gold to sustain them.

Generally it’s Druids or another class with the Sky Golem mount so they never dismount. They really are there just for herbalism.

Such logic.

There is absolutely no reason whatsoever for a multiboxer herbalist or miner to go above 10 characters.

Then I’m going to write you off as a liar.

I never said it was “impossible”, I said it didn’t make any sense. Now either stick to what I actually said or find someone else to harass.

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heh…i tried that with the other one…he called my bluff lol…isnt going to unsub. All talk…no action.

If i press the number 1 a 3rd party programs can than make it so if i have 40 toons multiboxed 40 of the same ability with go off. Please I understand you enjoy defending the “Rules” of blizzard but how can you even agree with this, you’re not even monetized in earning any of the cash they make off these box’d accounts.

I get why they’re allowed it makes Blizzard money. Should they? Not in any logical sense no.

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no dude…it make perfect sense…which makes it scary that even the simplicity of that comment eluded you.
Very scary.

uh huh…so its 10…or 11…or 15…or 20…not sure…but its VERY easy to know :wink:

Really? youre getting confused if I respond to you directly? Im the old guy here. MY mind is the one thats going…so Im not going to give you the luxury or excuse of buying this joke that its confusing for you. Youve been posting on forums and partaking of discourse long enough Im sure to know who and when is respond to what.

“stop saying stuff I dont like”

just slap me awake when youre done.

yeah…and those thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of players who arent in here tossing a tantrum over it, but just enjoying their game :wink:

nonsense. People try to gouge with everything, dude…i run the AH…just stop.

My businesses Ive been running successfully for over three decades that afford me the personal time to be HERE instead of at The Mans place of business doing grunt work for him instead of me says otherwise.

you done?

Refuted already, guy…get with 2010.

Its a style of play some enjoy.
The game maker allows it.

A 3rd party program should not be allowed in a game that has a economy or any formula of competitive play. Period…Next.