Multiboxing positivity

Ah okay. I didn’t think I was imagining it but I wasn’t too sure.

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From now on I just report all mutli boxing players. I don’t know the difference between legit or automated play anymore, because of how sophisticated the automated play has become with just a single button press.



Yeah, that’s what the other post said too. That clarifies some of my confusion. :metal:t2:

Funny how that works, huh? One side is burning minority-owned businesses to the ground and lighting churches on fire, and it isn’t the right.

The worst image people can come up with of the “right wing” is a couple dozen losers with tiki torches doing some chants.

As an atheist libertarian I will tell you I feel 100% safer telling a right-wing Christian that I don’t go to church and don’t care if gay people get married than I ever would telling a leftist that I voted for Trump.

Back when I used to live in Brooklyn, people there were just sucker punching anyone with a red hat.


The absolute best you’re gonna get out of me is “it’s not against the rules.”

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Holy mother of God, it’s a multiboxer thread and the latest replies are all about politics.

Moderate your damn forums Blizzard.

absolutely and laughably the WORST attempt at reverse psychology Ive ever seen in my life LMBO.
Did you actually think you’d talk people out of boxing with this joke?
Trust me…NO ONE CARES who you pity

They’ll probably just delete the thread.

I regret nothing.


I have a friend who immensely enjoys running into multiboxers. He will shoot one of them out of the air with his net and then sit and observe what follows. I personally think multiboxing is a weird ordeal and can’t really see the fun in it, but that’s just me.

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And thats the only point in any of this from either side that actually matters.


It’s also more expensive then $15 a month.

Actually once you have your entire set up its not.
You can farm all sorts of crap to buy tokens to pay for your game time.

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Isn’t their a wow token limit that if you hit like 36 tokens, you have to wait for something like 2 years? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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What I know is boxers in here all the time telling how they pay for their game time with tokens

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Yeah this thread is clearly done to bait and troll by the OP. Meanwhile real discussions like shadowlands systems should be more important to disccuss.

This thread is designed to distract people from the lack of effort put into shadowlands. :thinking:

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I mean, is that not a thing anymore since it was launched from WoD and you can buy as many WoW Tokens as you want? :man_shrugging:

Don’t get me wrong, that’s cool and all to pay for all 5 accounts with gold for practically forever if that’s the case. and i mean that. But wouldn’t that mean that multiboxers make blizzard less money from them then the normal people who pay with subs?

Because as we know it’d be ENTIRELY different for haters here IF boxers were dropping down onto a node and had to click with all 6 accounts to gather instead of clicking once, lol
No…theyd STILL be making these asinine threads.

I dont see how.
when you buy a token you pay $20.
$15 of that went for the other guys game time.
Blizzard just made an extra $5.

Oh yea, i forgot somebody has to buy the token inorder for them for them to buy it.

I suppose you are correct that indirectly, Blizzard is profiting off the MB’s.

Actually, this method where you pay little upfront and continue to pay for it, versus paying a bunch of upfront and almost never pay a cent is similar to a PC vs Console debate where that’s one of the PC’s advantages now i think about it. :thinking:

I’ve never seen a rule that says threads have to stay on topic anyway. People are allowed to talk about other stuff so long as they aren’t trolling.

Although since Yesuna is a troll, does that mean we are all secondhand trolls by commenting on the thread? This bears further investigation.

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