Multiboxing positivity

NO its NOT cheating guy…just stop until YOU make the rules for the game
No wonder no one takes you folks seriously

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you mean like wow tokens?
give it up.
By your joke guilds are pay to win because its players sharing resources to maximum the game for all involved.

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said the guy 10 years ago…lol
IF its what you claim it is dude…they wouldnt wait FIVE years LMBO…it’d be gone already.

Bliz aint stupid…they can see the ones complaining about boxing are the ones who dont want to compete for resources and think they are OWED top money for what they do farm lol

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Exactly. It’s permitted, within the rules, though depending on the software you use to box … it CAN be deemed botting. It’s a fine line between boxing and botting.

But, so long as that line is NOT crossed, its legal.

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As long as they obey the rules…and a real player is controlling the character…yeah.

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Exactly. I mean, like I said, I have friends who box. But, everyone in the party knows the boxing is taking place, and its being done for efficiency. IE things like “drag the mage along for the nzoth assaults so we can port back when we’re done.”

They just do it to save time. And everyone knows the boxing is taking place. Entirely kosher.

Now, I’d say something if they tried joining a dungeon run with other random people. That’s just not right. Legal, perhaps, but still, its not proper. I don’t care how much you try and say “I can perform just as efficiently” … you can’t. You only one have set of hands and your brain can only process so much data at once.

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When you say random do you mean random normals and heroics? If so then I’d disagree with

I absolutely can.

It is really different going from managing 5 characters to just 1, it’s laughably easy, I feel like I’m going through quests at the speed of sound when I am just playing one character


For what it’s worth, I consider myself a very casual player that would lose in PVP even if I had five toons going. Nor do I claim that I’m good at the game. I do claim that I play the game and have fun. That’s it.

I didn’t feel powerful when I was multi-boxing. I did feel like I was saving myself from doing extra time wasting steps. Why do people follow the meta? Why do people follow guides? My guess is to be more efficient. That’s why I multi-boxed, not so I could feel like I was on top of the world, but so I could just do what I liked in a more efficient manner. I wouldn’t want someone to pity me for wanting to be more efficient, that would seem strange.

I mean, you PUG and you BOX … i will kick you 8 days a week. It’s not FAIR to the group.

You want to BOX a dungeon, do it on your time, not MY time.

Why not?

I can easily do normals and heroics, there isn’t anything you really need to pay attention to

I’ve never seen an issue on the forums with trade skill master. What issue was it

I would be more positive toward multiboxers if it weren’t so common to have to compete with 10-boxers insta-despawning all the nodes they touch. Usually means I have to give up on gathering or play “dodge the multiboxer” while trying to harvest instead of focusing on harvesting.

And no, I’m not buying your mats off the AH no matter how cheap they are. I trained my characters with gathering profs for a reason.

Seriously though, if you guys can come up with a way to do your thing without vacuuming up nodes and making life harder for regular players, more power to you. I have yet to see any such movements on the forums.

Multiboxing is cheating.

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You don’t get to define what is and isn’t cheating.


1 key control many characters. It is cheating.

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You don’t get to define what is and isn’t cheating either. 1 key press per action is allowed and that’s exactly what happens.


Yes, it is cheating. Automatically control the rest of the characters.

One action per keypress is allowed no matter how many windows you have open, so says Blizzard.

Your opinions are not facts.

Stop scapegoating.

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As I said in a previous post, I find the opposition intriguing. So I’m curious now.

We as a society can’t just keep adding a limitless number of definitions to a word. Doing so renders meanings worthless because any word can then mean anything.

If you are saying that multi-boxing is cheating. By what current accepted definition(s) would back your claim?

The reason why I don’t think that multi-boxing is cheating is because. One of the accepted definitions of cheating is knowingly breaking the rules. IE from Merriam Webster - “to violate rules dishonestly”

I have had this discussion in the past and people have said things like, “just google it!” My issue with google or any generic search engine is that I haven’t been able to figure out where they get their information from. So I can’t verify if their source(s) are credible or not.

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Go ahead and show me where Blizzard said it’s cheating. Show me the rule against it.

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