Multiboxing positivity

If they do change their mind on it, they’re not going to reclassify it as automation. They’ll just say that multiboxing isn’t allowed anymore.

So you’re still barking up the wrong tree with your “personal feedback”.

Is there anything wrong with people spending money if it helps keep something alive that people are enjoying? You have X number of people that leave the game for greener pastures and you have people leaving because they are waiting for the next xpac to drop.

It might not be a huge revenue gain, but it’s something in the pockets of the game we play.

Also people have different priorities in life. Some people might love to go out to dinner everyday, another might spend a bunch of money on MTG cards, another might collect weapons. They are spending money on things they enjoy, why can’t multi-boxers be afforded that same courtesy by spending money on something they enjoy?

I see people talk about unfair advantages a lot. This seems to lump every activity that a multi boxer can do as something that drastically alters the flow of the game for other people.

Going to show you what I do when I multi-box and I suppose these might be considered a detriment to the game?

  • Instead of having to send mail, I trade with my alts
  • Instead of moving one toon at a time, I can move them all at once
  • Instead of having to deal with the toxic community, I can solo content.

Keep in mind also the following points of interest

  • I don’t PVP
  • I don’t use the AH
  • I don’t like to farm

But yet somehow just because I multi-box, I’m a bringer of all that is evil in the world? Am I missing something here?


Identify the obvious multibox people, don’t engage them. You’ll notice an obvious pattern with them on here.

They lie, often. Especially about why and if they multibox at all. “I tried to once, but I don’t multibox anymore. I’m just on the forums with thousands of posts, almost all of them multibox white knighting because it’s my hobby to do so”.

Another favorite is to try and frame multiboxing as ya know, a harmless hobby, where they just do silly things like solo M+ with their team. Or find creative ways to raid with their multibox teams, cool stuff am i rite? Except, that’s probably less than a single percent of the people going to the trouble and expense of multiboxing. The reality that it became exceedingly more common after legion isn’t some weird quirky thing.

The reason every single multiboxer does it, outside of statistical anomalies, is because a combination of the personal loot change, hyper spawns, and changes to resource nodes has made it irrefutably the most efficient way to gold farm in the game. It is a straight multiplier on their GPH, and since tokens are a thing, costs them nothing, aside from their subscription to the third party software that makes it possible.

It just so happened to combine with the deletion of PvP servers to impact everyone equally. Pre-BFA, multiboxing and bots were at least prevented from ruining PvP servers, but now they lurk around on every server, crashing the value of every activity down to levels that solo players have no choice but to buy tokens, which perversely allows the multiboxer to play for free.

Even better, they serve as camouflage for bots. If not for multiboxing, it would be painfully easy to root almost all the obvious bots. But their existence creates uncertainty “Is that a bot, or just some multiboxer?”.

At the end of the day, Blizzard allows it because it gets more money from them, than it thinks is lost due to the integrity of the game being compromised. Same reason they let bots linger long enough to become profit positive, so they’ll come back with new accounts when they’re banned. If Blizzard actually cared about maintaining even a semblance of not being a game rife with cheating, they’d do something about both. In the case of multiboxing, you don’t even need to ban it, you just need to remove the incentives that cause people to do it, and then white knight it on the forums for thousands of posts.

No more personal loot outside instances. Round robin group loot. This impacts almost no one, and essentially removes those clusters of druids you see at literally every hyperspawn.

Either create multiple phases of resource nodes, to prevent multiboxing being a straight loot multiplier. Or revert to old nodes. It would suck having to fight people over resource nodes again, but that already happens with locust style swarms of multibox druid depleting every single node they find.


I love alts, I started multiboxing because I capped my main account and wanted more characters :slight_smile: So this method may not work for you if you don’t also have a lot of alts but it can’t hurt to mention. If you solo all WoD raids on all difficulties you can make around 20k a week per alt according to I think 15k is more realistic but I’m sure Shoogen did more math than me so he’s probably right.

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It’s difficult to make a blanket statement about things, knowing that there are benign people just playing the game and having fun. However, the issue we run into is when people not only multi-box, but do PvP, abuse multi-tapped stuff to get tons of materials to flood the AH, and do take over swaths of areas (Especially if it’s 4-5 boomkins) and make those around them more annoyed.

I don’t condone people attacking Multi-boxers, but I do personally feel like it goes against the spirit of the game as a whole.

It’s not a personal jab at you, and I hope you don’t take it as such.

I multibox :slight_smile: Started in June, #noobBoxxa

Because I hit the account cap for characters and wanted more, figured if I’m going to have multiple accounts why not multibox :slight_smile:

I never multibox gather, it’s annoying to do and to setup.

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ie…‘nothing new to see here folks’, lmao.

What else do they have but falsehoods and hyperbole.

Yeah, no. That’s what anti-multiboxers do.

Only a small fraction of my posts are about multiboxing. Meanwhile the anti-multiboxers actually are mostly only posting about multiboxing.

Oh, this is rich. I’m sure Blizzard is totally confuzzled between multiboxers and botters and they couldn’t possibly be able to tell the difference.

A microscopic fraction of what they bring in total each year. Sure, whatever.

So we’d go from fighting people over nodes, to, uh, fighting people over nodes. Such a big change.

you mean like your sort has calling names like ‘mongoloid’ in here?

No…Id say thats the whining entitled sorts that cause most of the problems.


yea, we DO notice it with your sort, 125 posts.

lies and more lies.
You been given FACTS in here repeatedly.
Not our problem that you dont want to accept those facts.

hmmmm gee yeah…like fighting animals.
Oh wait…its a VIDEO GAME :laughing:

says the 70000 bot accounts they just suspended and banned :wink:


I like that hoax…‘as smoothly’ LMAO.
Guess we need to ban ALL addons since they make my game ‘smoother’ for me :rofl: :rofl:


How is this thread still going? I thought we agreed multiboxers are cheating scum and they should be banned.


sure you are…

botting…AI controlled.
boxing…PLAYER controlled.

There is this person on proudmoore that boxes like 15 paladins and makes them walk in a straight line around Dalaran spamming concentration for hours. Then another 5 druid boxer from Ragnaros server that i have to deal with daily that you have to coin flip to see if they don’t afk every epic bg I’m in with them.

Multiboxers are a parasite.

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I’m sure that some may for whatever reason. I tell people how I multi-box if it comes up. It’s their choice to believe if what I’m saying is true or not. I can’t do much more than that.

I ahve always view white knighting / holding a meaningful conversation as two different things. I see white knighting as supporting something more or less blindly. Where as a conversation is people hopefully offering their reasons and being able to at least explain their reasons beyond, “BECAUSE I LIKE IT!”

Just because someone might not agree with the reasoning of the support. I don’t think it always constitutes white knighting for a cause.

I don’t think this is always the case. I don’t make enough money from vendoring to be able to buy tokens. So I still have to pay subscription fees.

I don’t know what else I can really add.

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I don’t see anything wrong with this, maybe I’m missing something.

Sounds like a trash player, vote kick him

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Yeah. I already had to correct them on this joke of a hoax.
Blizzard does some stupid things…but they arent stupid enough to not be able to tell a bot from a boxer, lol.
Desperation is all they have.


Who agreed to this and when? I don’t think multi-boxers are cheaters. Not because I support multi-boxing, but because outside of “They are cheating!” no one has proven that they are cheating other than saying it is so. Just because someone says it’s so, doesn’t mean that it’s true.

That would be like me saying that I think all anti multi-boxers are not nice people. I know this is not the case, hence why I don’t say it.


It’s alright, I’m generally pretty patient, but I also know when something’s pointless, and someone’s just farming post count.

I appreciate it. :slight_smile:

All what Nyaria said is true though. None of that is a lie.