Multiboxing = Pay to Win

I have yet to see one that doesn’t involve hyperbole or personal attacks.


wrong. they get closed because they are clearly trolling or breaking some rule of the forum.


I tried my hand at boxing during Wrath, initially just my hunter and priest for dungeons, then I tried with 4 and it was not easy, I did not have any software or special input devices, but eventually I got the hang of it but the novelty wore off and it was eventually not worth the effort tbh.

I’m thinking about duel boxing Mythics, I solo’d them in Legion but I can’t get geared enough as a fifthly casual in BfA, so I thought I’d drag my priest in with me.

I’ve never farmed while boxing, I hate farming solo let alone with multiple at one time. :rofl:

You obviously do not know what pay to win means…


Multiboxing is not even a good way to make gold. Unless you enjoy farming herbs or world materials, I wouldn’t recommend it as a way to make gold in this game. The time investment and repetitive work is tedious. You might make some gold, but you likely won’t enjoy it.

Flipping has and always will be the best way to make gold. But crafting is also very good with much less room for error.

Selling carries is also a viable option if you’ve got the gear and group for it depending on the content.


I saw an ad in trade chat for a multiboxer who had a team of 24 druids who would run mythic Emerald Nightmare for a player willing to pay the price for 25 chances at the xavius shoulders.

I run 2 accounts at the same time, 2 guardians, one on follow and one mostly soloing. If I multiboxed them instead, what do I win, OP?

:policeman: I would like to report a

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We will beat the horse down to leptons as long as it eventually frees us from the tyranny of multiboxers.


“But it might as well be” isn’t a good argument. Multiboxing is still not automation.

Joe Schmoe at level 30 is going to get obliterated by any 120 that looks in his general direction.

You act like multiboxers are instantly teleporting from node to node. They have to travel around the zone just like anybody else, so you can either get ahead of them or go in the other direction.

I doubt multiboxers are having any noticeable impact on the AH. If anything, this being the end the of the expansion has a far greater impact on AH prices.

Right, and multiboxers don’t impede the fun of others.

So what you’re really saying is you’d rather have Blizzard eliminate competition instead of improving yourself.


i still wanna run 5 hunters and see how far in m+ i can get solo.

Multiboxers = multibotters.


Multiboxer =/= multibotters.


Yes. It is. So why not create a post that isn’t the same thing that has been made hundreds of times since the start of the game.

And hopefully bright enough to turn it off if he finds himself having difficulty with that mode.

And that’s your only input justifying the post title? Other than the fact that it makes no sense…well, that’s it really.


How is it paying to win? Or more to the point, what are they allegedly winning?

They can herb and mine faster, so they can pickup a bit more gold. But since they’re spending more money on accounts, they’re not likely to make more gold then they spend a month, unless they devote a lot of time, which can be done just as efficiently individually.

PvP fights? They’re not doing anything a 5 man guild group couldn’t do, and they can only gank individuals. And if it’s hurting you that much, you can just turn off war mode and move on.

So where is this winning that they’re allegedly paying for?


The difference between the two is negligible. One person using automated programs to control alt accounts. Sounds like botting. If it looks like a duck and sounds like a duck its a duck.

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Rofl XD XD

it was part of the game since long before you came along.

no, it’s not ok.
which is why it’s now contained to one thread.

if you want to get bent out of shape about the economy being ruined, go sit outside Botanica for a few minutes.

make a noise about that.


You are deliberately misrepresenting the difference between botting and multiboxing in order to deceive readers who don’t know much about the topic.

Multiboxing = You get up to get a drink and your characters are right where you left them when you get back and starting to play again.

Botting = You get up to get a drink and your characters keep playing while you are afk.

That’s the clear difference.


And you are using terms and rhetoric to avoid having to admit to a crime.

Do You know what pay to means ?