Multiboxing = Pay to Win

I think I’ve said it here before but MB would be fine if Blizzard made it so you had to switch clients to perform each action instead of being able to do them at the same time.

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These forums are worth the subscription price alone I tell you what.

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sa·​dist | \ ˈsā-dist

plural sadists

Definition of sadist

a person who takes pleasure in inflicting pain, punishment, or humiliation on others

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Don’t these people have windows to lick or something more on their level.

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What is it about this one person one game world action thing isn’t making sense?

I didn’t know that gathering was inflicting “pain, punishment, or humiliation” on others. You may want to take a break from the game if not being able to gather as much as you want is causing you to feel any of those things.

You said force multiplication is bad. That means grouping up is also bad.

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That’s both inaccurate and obnoxious.

I’m glad you clarified that. Thank you. :wink: :kissing_heart:

most excellent entertainment.
Wouldnt miss it.

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It’s literally the definition of a sadist.

Take it up with society.

Then I think this thread has concluded…

Yes, you know how to google definitions.

But what you were referring to is not sadism by that definition. Not tolerating certain behavior is not sadism. You’re being purposefully obtuse.

Glib does not equal clever or intelligent.


Did not expect this to get 400 more replies while I was asleep, but at least I succeeded in, ah, starting a conversation.

I personally would be okay with a solution like that. It would be at least a step toward ‘discouraging’ it.

…Now that I think about it, when was the last ban wave for bots, if such a thing even exists anymore? Because I see at least one bot pretty much every day. If they aren’t even banning bots, then what’s the point? :joy:

There was one about a month or so ago at least. Blizzard doesn’t advertise them anymore, but you can usually tell when a big one happens from all the people claiming they were falsely banned.

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Not tolerating certain behaviour is different than finding satisfaction in causing humiliation and suffering/pain to others.

I didn’t make the definition bud.

Have you looked at your post count? Oh, right. You just switched alts and forgot. Funny how you anti-boxers seem to like using multiple alts to circumvent the rules of the forum…

Always been a fan of boxing, but yeah, just started a few months back. So, whoops, you caught me, big bad defender of an allowed playstyle.

And, ofc, you do nothing wrong? Your post history says otherwise…


That’s kind of the heart of the issue. MBing isn’t against TOS, and even if it was, there’s no way to really enforce it. Since it would be even harder to police than actual botting.

I mean regardless of our opinions on either side, it just seems like something that is part of the game.

But that’s not what they were doing. You’re just attributing characteristics to a post that you want to be there when it’s not there. Again. Like earlier with my posts. You read what you want to read.

Also, even if there were. Posting webster definitions during a forum post is the hight of tacky.

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Break follow and you break boxers.

Already did it in BGs.

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^this sums this whole debate up, tbh.

And that’s why forums like this exist… to contest the choices made by Blizzard. People have been spamming threads about choices made on the alpha, why not a thread or two about choices made with the rules?

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