Multiboxing is pay 2 win. Ban it now

Yes it is.

Because a few players in the middle of thousands who had an unfortunate incident with a multiboxer literally mean nothing in the state of the game.

The reason I see no problem is because it’s extremely rare. If the server was crawling with zombie accounts played by multiboxers in every corner, it would be a problem.

There’s a difference between annoying a player temporarily and completely breaking the game.

Measuring the gold income PER CHARACTER is not appropriate when considering the advantage. By being every character in the 5 man, they are getting more than 5 times the gold a single player would. They get all the mob gold and they win every item that drops. Maybe it’s a bit slower. Maybe they only make 3x as much per hour. So what? It’s extra gold for extra $15 subs.

Lol… Blizzard was cool with Arcane Torrent too. Until enough people complained about it.

I think you are mixing apples and roller skates. Try again.

But I would be very interested in your evidence that AT was changed specifically because people cried about it.

Each account is entitled to farm gold and goodies within the rules of the game. If you want more for yourself (minus the cost of upkeep of said toon) you can multibox too!

You know, I’ve kind of been on the fence about Multiboxing … but after reading this thread … I am DEFINITELY doing it now, lol. :joy:


I’m not interested in supplying said evidence, but basically it was changed because everyone was race-changing to BE because it was the new meta for M+ which is kinda e-sports. Why it took people 13 years to learn that arcane torrent was incredibly useful in aoe-interrupting, is beyond me as a long time BE player.

And yes… it was due to specifically people crying about it. It was only implemented because it affected the “fairness” of their new baby - m+ tournaments.

Also, if we want to talk about pay 2 win Blizzard allows for players to purchase coins on retail where if someone decided they could use that gold to pay for mythic +/EP raid carries.

Imo, that is more of something closer to pay 2 win than someone using multiple accounts to use with how they please.

Players have been using multiple accounts for a very long time to have an “advantage” in some way or another.

Because there is no such evidence. Just my point.

The devs have changed the design and function of many features, abilities and events in the game over the last 15 years. Blizzard’s reasons for making these changes are usually internal (i.e., because the devs decide to do so).

On very rare occasions has there been a big enough outcry to compel Blizzard to make changes. Flight, for instance, was one of those occasions. But it took a massive drop in subs and literally 10s of thousands of posts about it to make them change their stance.

AT wasn’t changed because players didn’t like it. In fact, I rarely if ever heard anyone complain specifically about that racial ability. I do know BE pallys were unhappy about its removal because they couldn’t pull with it anymore.

Multiboxing, on the other hand, however has always been
allowed in the game. It’s not going to be removed any time soon.

There’s plenty of evidence, it’s just all circumstantial. No one has the inner workings of Blizz’s decisions and they hardly ever make blue posts on their reasonings. There’s also a lot of reason to believe that even if they said something it would be like 1% true.

The players who complained about it were the ones not getting into low-end, non-tourney M+ because they weren’t BE. It was a stupid meta, but none the less, that is the WoW community.

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if you pay 4 times you get quad damage? sounds like cheats to me, do people still do it on retail or is it a classic only thing ?


Been in the game from launch and still going strong. Every once in a while I see a multiboxer in Draenor, probably farming rep for flight.

Guys, Gals … Taurens … do your research. Blizzard has explained in detail why trying to police multiboxing would be a headache for them and why they don’t have a problem with it. It’s simply not worth it for them to try and fight it, plus it makes them money. Just accept it. It isn’t going away.

it’s worse on retail I’d imagine. 20 & 40 multiboxing is a thing. I don’t know if it is yet in classic. hopefully wont’ be, but multiboxing is legal, so if someone wants to waste that money that’s on them.

depends on if Prepared decides to play Classic.

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Please ban multiboxers

You’re definitely right, but it’s still x times as much being earned. Most players make more than they spend.

If I make 20g for the day, but then spend 8 on skills, I’m still making 12g. Now if I have 5 characters doing that, I’m making 60 in the day. This isn’t a realistic equation since each class has its own costs and each has its own mount(s) to buy.

One thing being left out of my super basic equation is the need to look for a group is eliminated. You can do back to back runs (or at least 5 per hour), and you’re getting 100% of the drops, even if splitting it. Some are cutting out looking by joining spell/melee cleave groups, though it seems to be a minority…and then they still only get 1/5th of what drops.

What if an epic drops? Or a blue someone else would’ve used? For the multiboxer, it’s definitely gold from the AH.

Then on top of it, your repair costs are likely less (as someone else pointed out). Multiboxing results in super coordination due to it being the only option.

I’m not pushing for a ban like OP, but I am simply not a fan of it.

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I think someones upset they couldn’t 1v5 a multiboxer. lol. I multibox 5 accounts and I’m constantly amazed by the number of mages who sneak up on me and try to blizzard me or rogues who try to gank my priest or druid. I’m sure they’re surprised when I don’t just back pedal and fight back. I’ve found 3 real players can take me out easily, and I never gank alliance unless they harass me first or if they ganked me previously and I remember their name.

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I saw this 20 shaman multiboxer on WotLK private server, they had some awesome walk macros that made them spread out in a perfect circle and plant totems in an epic way. Then they all break out in synchronized dance.