Multiboxing is not dead, the software is

Pretty weak stomach there snowflake. This little inconvenience in a video game is good for you. It’s good practice for when you grow up and face difficulties in the real world.

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Little difficulties isnt the issue. Its the fact that things that were never a problem in the past now all of a sudden are a problem. Also they keep changing things that hurt real players and not bots. Bots dont use multibox software they just have bot scripts running each client individually. All this does AGAIN is hurt more actual players, What is it to you if they use something to control their characters at the same time?? It was never against TOS in the past and should not be now! Absolutely ridiculous!

Oh no a video game changed and you can’t handle it. You’ll do great when you get old enough to get a job. Employers are always looking for people who break down and whine any time something changes. Any way things rarely change in the real world. It’s been the same for decades

competitive suffering! Things an undead would advocate.

The real problem is blizzard not fixing their own mistakes with shadowlands and turning the customers into cheaters who never had issues using these software in the past. Stop being an idiot for one second and realize you cant just go approving something for 16 years and turn around one day and change your mind. Its not good or fair to the customer in any way shape or form.

Also, if you don’t have any more constructive things to say than trying to talk crap about peoples real lives then please stop posting.

You make yourself look like an idiot.

Bye, cheater! Nobody’s going to miss you.

Blizzard told you it could do that at any time for any reason. You agreed to that when started playing this game. If it hurts your feelings so much it’s kinda stupid to agree to it.

You’re right. I should be trying to help. Here are some ways mommy can help you deal with change if you get overly stressed.

During times of change, a little extra attention will go a long way in helping children deal with stress. Plan an hour or a half hour each week where your child has your undivided attention. It is important to use play time to help a child’s development. Let your child pick the activity or follow your child’s lead. For example, if your infant wants to drop a toy over and over again from her high chair, retrieve the toy and let her drop it again. Or your preschooler wants to make cookies. Find time to do that and let him take an active role in the process even if he makes a mess. How does that help your child deal with change? Extra attention and patience from you helps your child understand that although some aspects of life are changing, your love and care remains constant.

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if you allow multiboxing then it will become the meta. the only thing preventing players from multiboxing is how much money they want to spend. when there is a direct causation between player power level and money spent, your game becomes pay to win. if 5 mages casting arcane explosion doesnt just kill everything around you, maybe you need to increase it to 10 mages.

I suspect you guys were not the intended target but actually collateral damage in dealing with a far more sinister foe.

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Everything he’s doing is contrary to what’s now against the TOS.

it would never become meta its been around for 15+ years and they are still rare due to the cost of upkeep either cash or time spent in retail

Isnt the point of multiboxing not having to team up most of the time? lmao.

Congress do that every day though.
btw you aggreed with blizzard when you click Accept on ToS. So basically tou are fine with multibox ban.

you say it will never become the meta but then go on to literally say the same thing as me about it

im confused about what you are trying to tell me you said if multiboxing was allowed it would become meta i said it would not end of story

I support multiboxing…try it before you condemn it…

Instakilled after i hearthed to booty bay last week by 5 multiboxed mages named “gankone” “ganktwo” “gankthree” “gankfour” “gankfive” .

I think I’ll condemn it without trying it tyvm

I prefer not to be a pay 2 win cheater, thank you.