Multiboxing griefing

I can see it now. A little fox roleplaying with bags full of flasks they never use.

And what exactly is wrong with that?

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Ok troll have fun with that.

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Actually I’m a Blood Elf.

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I moved off a pvp server because I wasnt having fun.
Boxers or not…people who turn WM on and then toss a tantrum about being ganked by anyone should be banned for a month.
they CAUSE their own problem then whine about the results.
amazing that its likely adults.

any one who ISNT boxing trying to make gold off farming ore or herbs hasnt got a clue how to make gold in this game.
Took me about a week to figure that out, lol.
Farm Pets…farm mogs…flipping.
Do those if you want to make gold.
Farming herbs and ores aint where the gold is at and its juvenile to scream about it when one tries to and fails.

To be fair, it does come down to wPvP a fair bit too.

The reason why it isn’t against the TOS is because it doesn’t break any rules.

I have seen people talk about the x tapping of nodes. I can’t confirm or deny this is something that happens. So I can’t comment on that.

I have seen people talk about someone running around with 5 toons and nuking others in PVP.

It doesn’t matter if it’s 1 person playing 5 toons or 5 people playing 1 toon each. The 5 can mic and just as easily group up and be like, “You see anything red, you NUKE IT!” Same end result, just different amount of players involved.

In fact multi-boxing can actually put the player at a disadvantage possibly. When I see a multi-boxer running around, the others are just in tow. Get 5 people running around together and they can spread out. So it’s quite possible that a multi-boxer might be more susceptible to AOE’s vs a group that can spread out.

There is also mention of tanking the AH I think. I don’t use the AH, so it’s another one of those things that I don’t have any comment on.

There are other points as well, but those are a few of the things that came to mind without writing a whole book.

I don’t understand how using a third party program to broadcast your key strokes to other clients isn’t against ToS.

In the ToS, it specifically says you can’t use third party tools or programs. Yet, isnt using this tool against ToS?

I believe their actual stance is that a user is not able to use third party software that creates automated play IE botting software.

This is taken from their EULA -

bots; i.e. any code and/or software, not expressly authorized by Blizzard, that allows the automated control of a Game, or any other feature of the Platform, e.g. the automated control of a character in a Game;

automated being the key word here. A program that let’s the player play the game without actually playing the game.

That’s basically what they’re doing though. Every player on the game typically does one key stroke for each action they do in the game. A tool that assists you in allowing one key stroke for multiple actions sounds sketch to me.

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Doesn’t sound sketch to blizzard since they have condoned the use of the programs because “they only emulate what you can do with hardware”

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Your game play experience is NOTHING in the face of the ALMIGHTY :dollar: . Get rich and keep 15 active subs and 15 copies of BfA. That’s $1,050 in software and $225/month in subscription fees for a grand total investment of $1,275. Of course they want us to box because Murica! :us:

There isn’t a middle ground, either someone is playing the game or they are not playing the game.

That might be where the confusion comes in.

If I run a botting program. I start the program, link the accounts, run the script and the game plays itself. I could go for a walk in the park, or go to bed. The game will continue to play itself as long as nothing interferes with the script.

If someone is multi-boxing. The game is not going to do anything unless the player is there telling it what to do. If I go to sleep, the toons are going to sit there and do nothing.

That is why botting isn’t allowed and why multi-boxing is fine. This is why I think Acti / Blizz is fine with multi-boxing

Or just buy it all with gold because multiboxing makes a ton of cash.

They’re only playing the game on one character though, thats the thing.

You’re not controlling each character individually, you’re controlling them through the help of a program. You’re controlling one character and the program mimics what you press on one character to the other characters.

You might as well be botting at that point.

You can also multi-box without the use of third party software. The software involved just makes managing things easier.

Even though the program is key cloning. There is still the need for a player to make it work. Where as botting only needs the player to start it up and they can walk away.

A player multi-boxing can’t walk away from the game and have the game play itself.

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You mean as in not mimicking the key strokes of each client to the other clients?

See, I’d have no problem with a multiboxer having to individually control each character, because that would actually take a lot of skill to pull off, but when you have a program that’s literally broadcasting each keystroke to the other clients, that’s where I can’t understand how its not against ToS. They’re only playing one character, with the others just copying what one does.

It’s not against tos because blizzard says it’s not against tos, pure and simple.

In many states you can marry your cousin, would most people find that sketchy? Sure, but it’s not against the law.