Oh noes, he’s being classist now. Better flag for discriminations. Help help I’m being repressed.
eh…not sure Id be admitting that publicly
Stop discriminating against me, gramps.
Kill all nightborne…priests especially
EDIT …for anyone who ISNT deranged…this is clearly just horsiing with this players IN GAME CHARACTER.
not sure why that needs to be explained.
I gotta admit, I did get a bit frustrated with multi-boxers in EQ.
- I was on a true box server (so no multi boxing allowed per rules and sw put in place to stop)
- The multi boxer literally controlled both spawn point s24 hours a day, completely controlling a market. Not its they lowered the price, no one but them could even get the mats unless an entire guild came in with more people to out fps him. They apparently nodded off every so often but had a warning when the GMs hit them because of complaints - they always responded.
In the end, I do not multi box though I have played with it. Too much trouble but I like the idea of it.
If its a problem in PvP (like it is most of the time) I would just rather dump PvP as PvP players interrupt my play more than any multi boxer has.
Are you threatening me? That reads exactly like a threat.
that is actually a REALLY good idea. I wish WoW had no boxing servers so they all could go play on them…give them a free server move to make it easy.
I hate Wpvp. When Im questing, i want to quest in peace. when Im in the PvP mood I want nothing distracting me.
Really hate pvp in this game from all angles. I want cross hair combat not tabbed.
Ive had no problem at all with boxers.
I personally think MOST of these fibbers in here screaming about it havent had anywhere near the trouble they claim either.
yeah…I think someone needs some sleep
you DO know you AINT a real nightborne or a priest, right ?
God i hope so
on ignore you go…bye bye.
So another “spam” thread about something I don’t like should be removed. It appears to be progressing the same way all the rest of the spam threads do.
No valid points to remove anything from the game.
No one ever complains about the real problems or makes reasonable suggestions to fix it.
I saw someone once make a fix Zin’anthid thread and it was ignored while the scapegoat threads go on and on.
Whales gonna whale
Its not borderline. It is cheating.
You don’t NEED the software to multibox, it just makes it more manageable. Just like I don’t need altoholic to keep track of all my characters nor do I need ArkInventory to organize my bags for me or Dejunk to autosell/destroy items. I don’t need any of that but it makes the experience better so I use it.
You can buy both expansions and game time with gold, unless you mean gold whales lol
Oh it’s 100% griefing, every single multi-boxer I have seen I have reported. Just waiting for Blizzard to recognize the mistake they made in making multi-boxing allowed, it’s literally pay to win.
Manageable, like instant? Instead of having to switch between each client and manually clicking?
And that as in the past as now will do and change absolutly nothing. But it will give some entertainment. Plenty of videos of 40 man multiboxer out there. Blizz already made its stance on it clear so raging over it is futile.
BLIZZARD, not you, decides what cheating is in THEIR game
No dude…its literally NOT pay to win any more than buying a token is.
Hopefully you get tagged yourself for filing false reports.
BLIZZARD, not you, decides what cheating is in THEIR game
“Blizzard” (aka Ion) is driving “their game” (I’ve paid for over a decade to play) into the ground. I say it’s cheating.