Multiboxing griefing

I believe you’re overreacting to a simple question.

I’ve seen several people link that same definition and it is not at all compelling given the facts of the situation…

I really wish to know why people keep linking it.

What about it is age discrimination? I’m not keeping him from doing anything. Is calling someone a kid age discrimination? Lol

Unless Blizzard bans cheaters. You get all sorts of nonsense. Cheaters will find all sorts of excuses to defend it.



It’s my hope that Blizzard will detect the rancor revolving around multiboxing and make a crippling change in their policy.


Slurs against him based in immutable characteristics like age which are specifically noted in every form of discrimination law in the US?

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Last I checked ‘gramps’ isn’t a slur. Just like ‘kid’ isn’t. Feel free to keep false reporting my stuff, maybe they’ll take your privilege away.


Sorry, having the flexibility of being a tank/healer/melee/caster all with instant mount is special.

Anyone who plays a priest is a cheater. I dont care what Blizzard says or allows, they are cheaters.


Age discrimination is against old people not kids. Just like racial discrimination is not against white people.

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Yeah I’m not getting into that hot button discussion with you. If blizzard decides its a slur, feel free to give me a vacation for it. In the meantime gramps, we’ll talk about multiboxing.

A jack of all trades but master of none.

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I am sure Blizz could care less…more accounts equal more money! All about the money and pleasing China

For multiboxing it doesn’t matter in the slightest. It is not like most multiboxers are going to be doing self only Mythic raiding or Mythic+ higher than 15.

Let me know when you got a point.

Someone doesn’t like to have fun. Apologies.

Ya’ll don’t be knocking the druids. They are fantastic. MBers and botters give them a bad rep.

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Druids are fun… So, yeah you don’t like to have fun.

:woman_shrugging: was talking about having fun on forums but w/e.

You do you.

So are people that bot. Yet they still do ban waves. Kind of debunks that theory of it’s all about the money.


Who cares? Btw what class are you tanking with since you started this? Hopefully, you picked S tier.

ad frikkin nauseum
I’ll be happy the day the topic is banned