Multiboxing griefing

I get it dude…you want to control the exchange…but so do I.
Theres that competition thing again :wink:

That’s not literally what’s happening and shows you have no idea how multiboxing actually works.


I actually have some downtime right now at work, so I’ll bite.

I played for years on Emerald Dream, which for a time was home to both Prepared and Malseph. Being an apparent MB connoisseur, I’m sure you know who those are.

It was easy to tell when they were in the area. How? Because the entire zone slowed to a crawl between all the totems, banners, toys, and spell effects both of them spammed. If they decided to fight each other, the zone usually crashed.

Emerald Dream being the amazing server it was, we found ways of getting around them.

You can all they want. Blues are not infallible.

It’s designed to “box”. If it were designed to multi, it would be advertised for it. People find clever ways to do things that they’re not designed for.

Blizzard allowed twinks to fester in normal battlegrounds until patch 3.2. Status quo does not always paint the picture you’re wanting

Again, blues are not infallible. To think so is very naive.

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Shouldnt have enabled warmode cx


I like this guys suggestion…and it could actually work

Do like a RP server…but dont allow boxers on this one server.
Dont change the code, just prohibit it and any boxers reported get banned immediately, no questions asked.

Anti boxers are a minority…at least the vocal ones…so they dont need the entire game, just a server.
It could be their little safe zone where they can play without being harassed by boxers in Wpvp…or picking zones clean.

sounds like a good idea.

Not even remotely borderline. It crossed the line 10 characters ago.

They speak for the rule maker…infallibility isnt relevant. the RULES are.
Just stop with this infallible hoax guy…it ISNT an argument no matter how much you want it to be.
MANKIND is fallible in whole…so sorry but youve made NO point here worth taking the time to peck out on your keyboard

thats just stupid, guy.
My car wasnt advertised


but it did.

Again…no point of any level of validity made.
The game allows boxing…its set up to run MULTIPLE accounts…lack of ADVERTISING in the matter isnt relevant.

uh huh…except the game maker clearly has DISCUSSED boxing and DEFENDED it as well…do you need those links now?

what is naive is thinking you are, lol…and that you should be the one deciding the game rules.


They don’t advertise twinking, but it’s designed for that as well. They don’t advertise every single thing you can do with the game.


And Im sorry…off topic here but did you really borrow a main characters name, lol?
Just find it peculiar is all.

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That’s… not how things work, I’m afraid. I’ve seen them post things that are incorrect before. There were even memes about it. Wanna see more examples? Hang out in the support forum.

That’s not a good analogy. You buy a car knowing it has tires. You can clearly see it has tires when you buy it. Unless however, you’re just reading a description of a make/model, paying for it before ever seeing or testing it.

You don’t seem like an unintelligent person, don’t be blatantly naive.

Never made the claim that I should or do make the rules. Don’t strawman this discussion, friend.

Twinks believed for years that they were fully supported. Patch 3.2 showed otherwise. They allowed it but put them with their own kind.

You can control things.


It’s strange that the first comment in this thread supports the concept and the second comment does not. The comment that does not has 3 times the likes at the time of this comment. It’s also strange that I’m seeing so many who are in support of this liking their own comments with their alts.

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But it’s still something that the game is designed to allow. They might be cordoned off as long as they have XP turned off, but they’re still allowed by Blizzard without being advertised anywhere.

So I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make with multiboxing not being advertised either. There’s a whole bunch of things about the game that don’t get advertised.


Well the idea might be good, but you do realize that, even if they were given their own server or zone to play in Warmode, they still wouldn’t be happy.

Why? Because they would be upset they had to be “placed” in their own playpen away from everyone else and not the Multi boxers.

I doubt there’s that many boxers out there. I remember Prepared. Back when he had 60 accts I believe it was. I saw his stream…to be that talented?
Yes it is talent to be able to do what they do.

Still not a supporter or non supporter. :wink:

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I don’t believe you.

I think a cordoned off server with no multiboxing would be a fantastic experiment to find out how many people would prefer not to play with them.

look into a mirror and say this again :wink:
MAN is FaLLIBLE…your jokish expectation of ANY level of infallibility and then the AUDACITY to lay demands on someone else with THAT measure knowing YOU are just as infallible…yeah…audacity is a good word, LMBO.

Just STOP using that hoax as your argument, please.

uh huh…15 years now or so …still boxing. Clearly they arent getting your memos

Im sure that its not when youre agenda doesnt want it to be :wink:

uh huh…and within hours of playing this game I knew that it had boxing.
I didnt know that my car had an engine problem though :wink:
See how that works?

you can grasp at straws all day dude…your advertising joke is just that…a joke.

Blizzard has made statements on boxing…blues have DEFENDED boxing…the launcher is DESIGNED to box…and IF your laughable views were even remotely feasible the launcher would allow ONE instance and ONE wow account to be run.
But it aint :wink:


yeah…I think the agenda has been pushed enough to make it clear.
“we arent taking your guns…we’re just ‘borrowing’ them” :wink:



How do you eliminate twinks? You can’t. Gear while leveling has to have stats. You’ll still grow in stats as you level. So there really wasn’t anything they could do besides separate them.

You’re slipping, buddy.

You can’t ask somebody to stop using a argument just because it negates yours. I’m also not sure what LMBO is.

Was it prominent back then? I’ve been on the forums since the beginning. Until this past year, I’ve not heard complaints to the magnitude we have now. Pick the low hanging fruit.

Do you buy cars without seeing what they have? I know I don’t.

Within a few hours, you knew that? So you’ve only been playing recently or you’re not being honest with us.

“My laughable views”.

Why do people lose and resort to insults?

I posted someones post from the other boxing thread…just do it.
My guess is it would be a mostly dead server, but it aint harming the masses of players to allow ONE non boxing server for you all.

Absolutely agree. Someone else would be scapegoated in 48 hours no doubt.
My guess is it’d be druids next…and Tauren and HM Tauren druids especially given they can farm so fast and have a HUGE farming advantage.
Theyd find something, but at least it’d show blizzard that theyre looking to scapegoat and this isnt a real problem.

I mean they didn’t have to implement XP off NPCs. That would have gone a long way toward limiting twink activity.

So if anyone’s slipping here, it’s you for expecting Blizzard to have a five hour long commercial highlighting every single thing you can do with the game.