Multiboxing griefing

As a raw mat provider of my small server cluster, I frequently come across groups of 5-10 multiboxers. 10 of them in a group will instantly deplete any node they come across, and the 30 second despawn timer means nothing.

As a seller, I can see that I’m not the only one having issues farming, as the prices in my server rise dramatically since we weren’t lucky enough to win the lottery of being a multiboxer hotspot to lower the item prices. On the other hand, if your auction house is primarily run by multiboxers, what is the incentive to compete for sales when you can just agree to keep prices high and a monopoly on gathering?

Both of those points were exacerbated by the situation in Nazjatar.

Third, as a player of wow it’s really gross to come across groups of characters decimating a local population of mobs. Hyperspawning them to the point that it looks like one of those f2p or p2w games that are plagued with bots. A video was shown earlier in the thread to show how ugly and immersion breaking it is.

The second fallout from multiboxers doing this is transmog, cloth, enchanting mats, and any rare drops doing a freefall or staying high tying into point 2.

One person affecting the game to the extent multiboxers are now (not so much in the past) needs to be addressed and I believe removing quick and easy software options will help to curb the population explosion.

As a frequent viewer of economy discussions in places like /r/woweconomy, and seeing the frequent guides that are posted more and more often to facilitate people who would otherwise be unable to exploit these markets, you’re not pulling the wool over my eyes.

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well…that …or you know…just turn Warmode off like I do.
Whats the real benefit of it? Being ganked and having an hour of your game time wasted? No thanks, personally.
If I want to PvP, Im going to play another game specifically and solely designed for PvP.

Turning warmode off has nothing to do with what world pvp is.


if that wasn’t just about the biggest load of tripe i’ve ever read.

free market is exactly that.

it just sounds like you’re bitter because you can’t control the market.


If that’s all you took away from my points, then that’s on you.

Because in the real world we deal in facts, we don’t deal in pretend made up opinions that are presented as facts.

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ok…so THEY are ‘raw mat providers’ too. Failing to see a problem here?
ohhhh…sorry…its that “nodes belong to me” thing rearing its head again.

yeah…theres that having to compete for resources thing. MMO’s…gotta love to hate them lol.

Im sorry but more mats = cheaper mats.
Im not buying that 10 different boxers are all trying together to drive the prices UP, lol.

you mean that thing I do on druid with ONE character and see SINGLE druids doing all the time all over the game in known farming areas?
Boxing NOT required.

Neither are you, guy…BLIZZARD is the ONLY ONE HERE who knows the impact of boxing…and THEY arent doing much about it.
I’ll take THEIR response over yours.

Blizzard makes money from it, therefore it isn’t cheating.

If exploitation couldn’t eventually be addressed, we wouldn’t ever have nerfs or rule changes.

muh…wutz??? :flushed:

Warmode OFF = NO WORLD pvp, dude.

yes, that is exactly what i took away from it, because it was a constant throughout the post.

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Servant of Nzoth quest bud.

It AINT an exploit dude…its a DESIGN FUNCTION of the game launcher :laughing:

I believe it shall arrived on September 31st.



'WORLD pvp" bud…

as I said…turn WM off.

Is this the thread where we agree to nerf DH?


uh huh…$$$ is the only thing the care about…which is why they dealt harshly with 70,000+ bot accounts.
Oh…wait…that math dont make sense :wink:

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Why do you feel the need to be a raw material provider?

Furthermore why don’t you just go to the other side of the zone?

How do you know that this is related to multiboxing?

If hyper spawns are problem why aren’t you complaining about hyper spawns?

And yet no one complains about nazjatar’s implimentation of Zin’anthid.

I must totally break the immersion of roleplayers on my roleplay server when I decide to bring my fivebox hunter team and my roommate brings for threebox hunter team to Silvermoon to set up a firing line in Farstrider Square. That’s why we get such praise for having a bunch of characters in uniform playing out the farstrider fantasy. Totally immersion breaking.

Are you sure this isn’t just supply and demand?

You do know the auction house kind of deflates at the end of each expansion right?

You realize there are exponentially more single boxers than multiboxers. I’d like to see data that proves that multiboxers are the cause of these economic problems and not all of the single boxers undercutting each other like fools.

I think that rather than taking away a play style from people like me who have been playing this way since Burning Crusade, the actual problems should be fixed.

Problems like over-aggressive CRZ, hyper spawns, the small area in which Zin’anthid spawns, and making nodes single tap but unique per player, and disabling follow completely in Warmode.

All of these are simple and elegant solutions without punishing players like me who are doing literally none of the things people take issue with.


You become hostile to ALL players when you do the quest.
What is world pvp got to do with it?

Even your own faction can kill you.

Also, killing and try not to get killed is PART of the quest.
I would not call it griefing.

That quest can only be done with warmode on. If you have the quest in your log and you turn off warmode, then the quest will automatically fail.