Multiboxing = Cheating

Had the same issue with a lot of those types of mice. Found the Roccat Tyon and, after I got familiar with how it played, fell in love with it. The layout, button positions/spacing, fact that it can talk to my keyboard… on cyber monday I may pick up the newest version for the day that this one finally dies.

Don’t count yourself short! LEDs are the true power of PC components after all. 128 core and 3 teraflops ram pushing 4 linked GTX 8675309s are nothing compared to the dancing lights!

Any game that’s been out for this long will have the “new vs established player” gap. If you could get to where a vet player is at in a day there would be no vet players. Why bother if a new account can do the last 15 years in 15 days. Definitely stay away from EVE. Fleets controlled by 1 person aren’t very rare and ships that would take a new player literally a decade of play or 5 figure dollars in plex are blown up weekly.

DPS still sucks
Kicks bad DPS
[DPS has been removed from group]
Friend in chat: Did you just kick yourself from the party.
Me: Shut up.

Now when I see a MB i’ll park my monk next to them and feed off their spam until they are done they uisally leave when they come back and see me.

just give us one multiboxing free server if we can have rp specific servers with the rules of rp are enforced we should be able to have a multiboxing free server
for players who want a more intended experience of wow


Boxers use a program to click the other applications open for them.

If they had 7 monitors and clicking into each one to do something then by all means go ahead…

But we all know that they are not doing that. They use 3rd party programs to control each of their other accounts, which realistically that’s cheating. If i use any 3rd party program on my 1 application its considered cheating and a bannable offense.

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There was an alliance player who was murdering quest NPCs over and over for 45 minutes a few weeks ago around Rachet and out around that pirate island.
I finally reported him and he disappeared so I assume a GM did something.
He was running a single 120 druid.
Ive NEVER had a boxer bother me in any way.

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They had all the same gear, talents, and setup. Everything is the same, why are you doing less dps? How is this remotely possible :rofl:

You all need to realize something. Soon Multiboxing will be the new meta. Anyone playing less than 3 accounts will be gimping themselves. Raids will be made of multiboxers.

boxing is allowed. It really doesnt matter that you think Bliz must negotiate with you in the matter. They have spoken. End of story.

So if you see a little gnome monk park next to your characters, thats be me!


This, this would be amazing to see. What a great fix for these kinds of players their own little world to run around and 3rd party program it up.

Zone disruption is real

I have, not out in the open world though it was in Wintersgrasp during wrath

15 years later that hasnt happened.
Methinks thou dost protest too much.

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The rise just began.

He’s asking for a server with no multiboxing so people who have a problem with it can go there and :man_shrugging: I don’t know, do what you guys do lol.

Who do you think blizzard is, Daybreak? This isnt Everquest, boxing will forever be here to stay, end of story. Deal with it.

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Multi Boxers only use addon to control the other applications!? or are you trolling?

I find this 100% hard to believe that multi boxers can make their other other accounts do formations and click in another window besides the main window with just addons…

So many people typing.

It’s going be a slow day at work, I need to make some popcorn so I can follow this appropriately.

yeah…that was the problem. I didnt immediately report him. Its a war game. Even with WM off I expect to see something war related going on.
It was after he was there for a long while that I decided to report because Ive seen this before where they literally spend half a day ruining half a zone for lowbies.

We’ve had bigger stack sizes for nearly six years now. And the 5 million gold mount was due to the gold missions from WoD and Legion mission tables.

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