I havent seen one in maybe two weeks now.
I did finally see the legendary bots after 3 years of playing, lol.
These were seriously obvious in how theyd take a V shaped path back between NPCs instead of a straight line like a real player would have. watched a dozen of them do the exact same V path so I reported them.
Got the mail saying action had been taken so I assume they were actually bots.
Boxers dont bother me at all. Even when I do cross them.
Having to mine nodes thrice to get all the mats from them? I think you guys want to annoy regular players more than you want to get rid of multiboxers lol
Yeah, I dont box farm but if i had to do it like Classic is, screw that. I’ll stop farming at all for ore/herbs.
I think they want to spite boxers and arent thinking that this aint gonna be good for them. They think they see nodes being depleted now, lol, wait til theyre one shot again. Then the real screaming will begin.
That was my first thought too “just won’t mine at all” but then if more players do that then the cost per mat would skyrocket since the supply would plummet but maybe they want that
Sure, that might slow down / reduce some boxers. But if you had any experience with the game before multitap, you would know that BOTTERS ruled the market then. You would see a node pop up, then before you get to it, a BOTTER has already mined / picked the node from under the terrain.
Rest assured thats exactly what theyre hoping for. 90% of the complaints about boxing are about their trying to get rich off herbs and ores, lol.
Anyone who has played this game for a month should have figured out by then that farming ore and herbs isnt the way to make bank in this game.
If this were actually even a problem the way to handle it isnt killing multitap.
A cooldown would be much more effective. Dont even deplete the nodes at all. Just allow them to be farmed once per X seconds. ‘problem’ solved.
Boxers and bots are slowed down. Players still see a node and can compete to farm it even if a bot/boxer is on it currently. And no screaming fits over going back to the singles from before.
I only plan on farming ores that I need to level engineering in SL, so none of this will affect me in the least.
I just hate to see more nerfing to appease a minority of players who should be doing something more profitable if its gold their craving, like farming mogs, pets and maybe flipping.
They could also try FFXIV style nodes. Nodes exist for every player with the skill to farm them, regardless of who else is farming. Reduce the amount of materials given per node, or increase the amount needed for crafting. Nodes respawn for the player on a random timer or something (a little different than FFXIV).
One person said that they just like to be known as their realms farmer, I can respect that from a RP perspective but you can’t see who posted a mat anymore so unless they are filling request orders or talking about classic I don’t see how that works.
Yeah, theres plenty of reasonable options, for sure, other than the absurdity of going back to single hit nodes.
If nodes have 15-20 second CDs, its not worth sitting and waiting since you can likely be at another node before then.
Im not for it, mind you. I just think this single tap suggestion is overly ridiculous and clearly not intended to help the game, but just to spite boxers.
Bliz loves limiting things, so I figure a node Cooldown would work pretty well at regulating things.