Wait wait wait pay to win? why is it okay to buy a wow token for 20$ to sell it for gold but if players spent 15$ have to have a computer good enough to play, multiple instances of the game, a connection that can handle multiple instances of the game, buying the expansion for each of those accounts… and a solution for getting the inputs to all the boxes?
I made millions and millions of gold from launch - Uldir when I stopped playing with herb and alchemy. I don’t multi box. So, yes, we are, and you should probably stop making threads like this because you’re blowing everything way out of proportion.
Why don’t you take all this stupid repetitive energy and come up with an actual solution to remove the bots in the game instead of making these threads?
So far, this is my biggest turn-off for Shadowlands.
Knowing I’ll be farming alongside what are basically legions of robots, and trying to out-gather them? With my one and only WoW account, lol.
It’s basically pay to win.
Player buys many WoW accounts with tokens, farms on them using automation, makes enough gold that they become self-sustaining (able to buy more time with the gold earned from the “puppet” characters), and then goes to inject that gold into the AH. Did they play 5 times as hard?
Lol no, automation software did that for them. IF they actually had to alt-tab and farm the herb, one by one, character by character, I’d allow it, but that’s not how boxing works at all.
Makes me want to invest my time into a different game instead of this one.
Farm herbs if you’re bored. Then, take all their herbs, turn them into potions, and sell them. They farm for you, you turn those materials into potions, you win <3 it’s really not a big deal.
Okay so where do we draw the line??
Multibox software that takes 1 input and mirrors it for multiple clients…
Vmwares with mirror input?
A keyboard that inputs the same thing into multiple devices?
is it the keyboard? cause I could make a keyboard which is basically multiple keyboards stacked so when I press Q it would also depress the q keys on the layers of keyboards below…
Even if you want to put that weak misunderstanding that YOU have"we don’t support multiboxing tools" as them saying they will ban people for multiboxing tools which… They don’t, and when they do they get unbanned because it was a misunderstanding…
Theres many ways to do it so unless blizzard says we don’t allow multiboxing or allow multiboxing tools you can eff right off.
Stop acting like you can kill 10 people at once, I can guarantee if you go within 40 yards of 10 people you get 1 shotted by 10 starsurges.
You act like its multiboxing thats the issue, death balls in general are the bane of you. Be it 1 person controlling 10 characters or 10 people controlling 10 people, why don’t you call out to the alliance to come help? 10 players destroy 1 multiboxer with 10 accounts.
what they should do, in my expert opinion (and i am an expert at all things at which i profess to be an expert), is undo the group loot changes so that they can’t have 5+ toons looting every node, looting every mob. leave it in for rares, and maybe elite quest mobs, but for murlocs, nah.
they can ban multibox, but a ban is only as good as its enforcement. bots are already banned, but go look at the mop LFR queue guy and watch him for a while.
Just look at the group finder and how its swarmed again with “WTS” and “Get it now before Shadowland” sales. You are absolutely right, the ban hammer is lax.
Are you saying to make it how it is in classic where first come first serve for mobs? And to expand that for parties as well? That’s only going to enrage average players.