Multiboxing and Herbalism

If anyone is interested, there is a mboxer on Barthilas right now botting and skinning raptors at Zuldazar. You can come and see for yourself.

I tried hitting them a few times and moved around, they are just tab targeting; hitting me back a few times then tabbed to raptors again. Not moving, just spamming moonfire and starfall.

Killed them ten mins ago and they did not even release.

*edit : what is a good site to upload screenshots to share?

Wait, what? Now herbing is unfair? Dangit!

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If you click around in their collections or post histories, you’ll see several of them are just switching alts back/forth agreeing with themselves. I caught one of them recently doing it and he tried to deflect but when I pointed out how their pet collections were 100% identical, they hid for a while.

It’s more common than you’d think on here.

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I don’t think anyone actually believes this.

I feel ya man. It’s disappointing that we still have to deal with BS like this just because lazy people wanna p2w and ruin the game for everyone else.

Oh I know. I pointed it out earlier. There is one crazy Multiboxer on here that is constantly posting on all of his alts, replying and agreeing with himself. It’s actually kind of sad, hope the dude gets the help he needs.

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To be fair, some people have no friends. I just let people… people.

Yeah I get it. Maybe one of the reasons a they Multi-Box is because they have no friends to group with so they form parties by themselves? Hmmm. Well like I said I wish the best for them.

You are so pathetic to keep claiming they’re on alts. It’s not an argument you should be using. It’s just sad and it makes you look desperate. Grow up, Bodytriangle.


You thinking that people are doing that does not dismiss the fact that they’re doing it, trying to make it look like they have others on their side. That in itself is desperate.

Seriously, just do a little clicking around when you start noticing things like Bodytriangle said. You’ll come up with some pretty unsurprising results.

Do you know how many phases of Nazjatar there is out there? It’s gotta be hundreds.

When I log in my 5box team, before I put them in a party together, they are on atleast 3 different phases.

Imagine how many phases there are for Nazjatar, when I go to Nazjatar, I either see Newhome being invaded by 300 alliance, lagging the entire zone. Or It’s empty and I pickup some herbs while heading to do my emissary.

Your reality isn’t THE reality, what you see isn’t what everyone else see.

How to get to another phase? Turn-on/off Warmode. Join a LFG Group for the zone World boss. There are many solutions to find your own herbs.

You are just a bad farmer if you can’t find herbs.

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You’re a bad farmer if you’re farming herbs period tbh

my cousin who just started playing the game starts talking about this issue just kinda funny when new players can even see the issue immediately

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Ya, it’s fairly obvious

Oh really…

yeah he knows im a fan of the game so that’s what prompted the discussion

You really think so? Because just last month they updated the support article regarding multiboxing. Not only is it still allowed, they explain how to do it.


Mboxer : Complains that these threads may affect their gameplay.

When confronted with the fact that they are affecting other’s game play…

Mboxer : You are bad if you do not work around it.


Mboxer : Insists that they are the only mboxer farmers on their servers simply because they did not see the others.

When confronted with the reality that there may be more than one mboxer per server per faction …

Mboxer : “Your reality is not THE reality. what you see is not what everyone else sees.”


Hypocrite much?

No one actually proven that multi-boxing substantially impacts the economy or how it’s pay to win.

In order to substantiate that claim multi-boxing would have to impact the economy more than the same number of individual players coordinating Game play.


Do you think they believe what you post?

All you have posted is you don’t like something so remove it. You have provided no actual problems it causes yet.

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No one has actually proven that multi-boxers fundamentally effects your game play though.

In order for that to be true the impact of multiboxers would have to be greater than the same number of individually coordinated players.

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I do not believe mboxing impacts the economy any more than the players playing the AH just to dip the prices, stock up, and then suddenly inflate them out of proportion.

I have actually stated many times I am rather neutral to mboxers. I have swapped to skinning and leatherworking.

These hypocrites who post stupid arguments should be put down, though.