Multiboxing and Herbalism

Boxing has been allowed for 15 years. Then again, so has forum whining. I guess we’re even.

Imagine someone gathers a node 8 seconds before it despawns naturally. Now you have to sit there hoping it will stay up, and then flying away depressed when it despawns before you can gather it.

All your idea does is waste peoples’ time.

You know what else was around a long time? Master looting…Until it wasn’t. Time for a change!

They should incorporate key broadcasting into the WoW client so multiboxing is even easier to accomplish.


Why is it that I see Rialius typing a message, post it and few secs go by and then Rankin immediately starts typing and then posts every time…weird. Multiboxers gonna Multibox I guess.

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This was my thought too, make it so everyone can multibox from one account too :+1:

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Uh, because I’m busy playing the game. I’m not paying 100% attention to your thread.

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Yeah my dungeon just popped :smiley:

Cool glad we all can count on you to keep the thread alive. Thanks!

Well get this fixed yet!

I’m roleplaying.

You know it takes two seconds to verify it isn’t the same account right? You log into one account to post on the forums.

Glad to help you out.

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People will chill out about multi-boxing once the bruto is remove. Most people who are fussing about multi-boxing are trying to farm Zin to get their mount.


What a lot of people don’t seem to realize is that herbs and ores at the end of an expansion are always going to sell for garbage amounts. It’s been like that in every expansion that I have played since BC.

I remember I used to farm for Anchor weed 2 years ago, was selling each one for around $200 some odd gold a pop.

It’s no shock that they are selling for around 10 gold now on my server. They were selling for around 60 Gold steadily a few months ago. That’s how it always works at the tail end of an expansion.

I probably have more free time than the average person does, so I play way more than I care to admit. I almost never run into another five-man group of someone multi-boxing almost never see it happen.

Where are all of these herds of people that are supposedly hoarding all of the materials? Seriously, the only time I see mass quantities of players group together are level 111 Druids standing stationary and either skinning mobs or farming them for raw gold.

I’ve been multiboxing on a daily basis for the last 3 months, in some cases for many hours a day. I do assaults in Uldum and in the Vale in a five-man group of my own. I have almost a five-man group of every class there is. I never have ran into a single person multiboxing in either zone doing assaults or the world boss, not once.

I’ve been out of work since last June due to life happening, so I can’t work and have a lot of free time. Where are all of these massive groups of multiboxers that these people are complaining about? I’m not even just saying this because I multibox myself, I literally never see anyone doing it. Maybe it happens in battlegrounds, I don’t know, I don’t pvp.

I know there are some people that do it, but it’s far and few that I’ve ever seen.

Go to Orgrimmar or Stormwind how often do you see someone in a huge group clumped together? I almost never see it.

Even when I am out farming herbs and ores, I think I’ve only ran into one other person multiboxing in the last 3 months and that was in Nazmir.

What I do see is unlimited amounts of are level 111 Tauren or Troll Druids either in huge groups running back and forth farming for raw gold. Or just quite a few standing stationary and killing mobs to skin over and over again. The vast majority of those are bots.

In all of the time that I’ve been multiboxing, I’ve never once set up shop and farmed an area for hours and hours and hours on end. to me that’s not lucrative, I wouldn’t make anything doing that.

Farming Blackrock Foundry, Buying low and selling high on the auction house, that’s where I do my damage.

I’m seriously wondering where this mythological mass groups of people that are everywhere multiboxing? Either I’m blind or it isn’t as massive as some people are claiming it is.

In any case, I’ve worked my butt off my entire life, I’ve earned the right to spend my money how I see fit. I’m not breaking any of the EULA, so if someone wants to get salty over the style of gameplay I choose, that is their prerogative. what I will say is that I won’t lose any sleep over it or change how I play because someone is upset about it.

As I’ve said before many times, if you are against it, that is your right, you can make threads about it and you can even email blizzard and show your disdain about it as much as you want. You can vote with your wallet and choose to no longer stay subscribed, you can do many things. What you can’t do is harass me in-game and bully me into changing what I do because you disagree with it, I won’t be bullied into changing how I play.

I got my Brutosaur mount several nights ago. That’s not me trolling, that’s the truth, I really did. If that upsets someone, that’s their own personal flaw, not mine.


Thats it, there really isnt that many actual multiboxers. A few ppl have given it a go thinking they will make bank before realising it actually takes work. But everything the last few months of an xp is garbage and people are dumping guildbanks and personal stock for peanuts just to get rid of it. Alot of it wont even be worth crafting and vendor selling in SL because theyve nerfed the vendor sell for crafted items.

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Multi-botting needs to be banned already

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Well they are farming the wrong mat unless they are on realms where it’s still 30g per

Good to see you here Ulendur, almost got all the regulars

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Sanskrit is the toughest language in the world. Mad respect.

Picking herbs is winning? Most people posting those herbs on the auction house regularly are using that gold to pay for game time, multi boxers have to pay 5x. I don’t see anything in there that is pay to win.

I have farmed herbs for hours and hours this expansion. Have never ever run into this problem.

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I do not farm to sell, I just farm for my own use and it was frustratingly impossible to even do that with the amount of mboxers on Frostmourne. To the point where I had to buy from the AH. Being forced to buy herbs when I spend hours to herb is frustrating.

Saying that multiple mboxers in Naz during the peak (about 2 months ago) is impossible simply because they didn’t see them, is like saying the rest of the world does not exist because they did not see it. Yet.