Multiboxers: Okay... Why?

I’ve been largely unaware and completely indifferent to multiboxing prior to all these posts complaining about it lately.

But now… I’m sorta thinking about getting into multiboxing.


It’s believed in GD that just because something isn’t against the TOS means it’s perfectly fine. People really can’t think for themselves. It’s not fine, multiboxing is liek cheating, except it’s allowed by the company which provides us the game. That’s all. Is it dumb? Yes. Does it need to be re-looked at? Yes. Will it? No. Blizzard makes more money on subs this way.


I actually played in a battleground against a multiboxer today.

They were terrible. Horribly geared and would cast all 5 interrupts on the same target at once. This person was killed quickly. Rather than just one person being bad, they instead accounted for an entire third of the team being bad.

The alliance ended up sitting on the rock waiting for the battleground to end.

multiboxing is bad either way. Kill it off already.

It’s almost like something is bad and needs to be fixed. Imagine if people concluded a discussion after the first attempt.

I just want to be able to be competitive on the AH without needing an army of alt accounts… is that so much to ask.


Also it’s fun so why not?

My favorite are the ally multiboxers that camp the Warchief room on MG. I took a picture, but it’s probably against ToS calling this person out.

I thought it was the pre patch event seeing how he was unholy. I figured Blizzard was lazy and sponsored a 3rd party lol.

Lol I used to do that! Need to kick (on Rogue) all 4 Rogues kick!

But multiboxing isn’t bad :frowning:

Fight on brave warriors! Fight on!

Is his name in the picture? If not then there’s no name and shame.

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Lol another Karen post about multi boxing…I swear it’s the same 10 people that spam forums about multiboxing. At this point it’s just spam.


I mainly notice/see mutli-boxers on a regular basis in 40-man epic bgs. I don’t really see them out in the PvE world (at least not regularly).

From what I’ve observed, multi-boxers mainly queue up for bgs to farm honor/honor levels. And they do farm honor very efficiently, some of the 5-boxers can easily farm 7-8 honor levels in a single day… they are crazy fast :scream:

You should, it’s fun! It’s more fun than you would expect it to be. Once you get past the learning stage you’ll be like … why is this so fun? lol

Pretty sure his name is multiplied by the 10 or 12 slight variations of main. Maybe upload crap resolution later.

The main arguments against multi-boxing seem to be:

It ruins the economy and is therefore unfair.
It is an unfair advantage in PVP so it should be stopped.

As for number one - this is entirely conjecture on the part of the people making the claim. They do not have access to any actual data, only Blizzard has it and they are loathe to share. Personally, I like the fact prices for materials are now lower.

About PVP, I don’t get this one since PVP at this point is entirely voluntary and people are free to opt out at anytime (in a rested area). Then again, people complain about pretty much anything in PVP so who knows? I don’t see this as an issue.

Personally, I sort of two box though I am so bad at it one of two things happens: 1) It’s a big toon with a little toon on auto-follow helping them with quests (or vice versa where I follow a little toon and bubble them). 2) The two toons get into an argument and refuse to do anything so they just stand there until I log them off in disgust.

As for the people who say there are multi-boxers everywhere 24/7 making it impossible to level. I have never once come across that in my leveling. I’ve seen a few mind you but never had them impede my leveling. I have also never seen them claim every single node in a zone making it impossible to find materials.



Same here.

I recently leveled up a fresh Rogue from 0 to 120, mainly out of boredom. I had warmode turned on the whole time, and during the 28-29 hours of casual leveling I didn’t get “ganked by a multiboxer” even once :man_shrugging:

I’m just not seeing it.


No, but it was refreshing to see Sylvanas get ganked by the boxer.

Now, they just stand there like ooo look at me! I need attention

I started multiboxing in June, from then till the first week of September all I did was quest 12 hours a day, every single day, to level 67 new characters. 8 of the characters were solo but the rest were teams of 2 to 5 characters, I got ganked a number of times but never by a multiboxer it was always 1 or 2 solo players.

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Speaking of ganking/PvP, I only had 2 brief, non-death “scuffles” with random Alliance along the way. And I only got killed a grand total of… 1 time by a random 120 Human Pally that happened to be flying by (he swooped down, killed me, and flew off).

Almost no one actually bothers PvPing while leveling up in warmode, since it’s just a waste of time.

Haha. I did some dual boxing back in mop when I recruit a friended myself, so I could get the obsidian night wing mount. Fun at first, but got annoying clicking back, and forth between game windows to mount, use abilities etc. and yeah I won’t use software that mimics keystrokes, and what not. I do other things on my pc besides game, and don’t want anything on my computer that could compromise it. Guess some of that stuff is safe, but I’m to internet security cautious maybe idk.

I’ve only seen Druid multiboxers in Nazmir, Suramar and Nazjatar.

Never anywhere else personally.

There are mechanics in pve play that make the multiboxer libel, such as the need to spread out mechanics that don’t work well with the /follow command.

In PVP, if you go against an organized group, and they figure out who the leader character is, once you take out the leader unless the multiboxer is very fast at changing leads, the rest should just fall like dominoes. Hint, the lead character in the multilbox will always be a bit ahead of the rest of the pack and usually sticks out like a sore thumb.