Multiboxers have no place in an RPG

Haven’t we learned by now the Rich gets everything, They pay hundreds of dollars to Blizzard for having multi accounts, thats big money.

I’ve seen clips of that movie! I can’t believe there was a time when RPGs were so demonized (and damn is Tom Hanks cringey funny in that), even my religious parents let me play D&D because they realized it was just a harmless imaginary exercise (my dad read my books before he let me have them).

Some of my friends were forbidden from hanging out with me though, and I was an outcast at school until I moved away to a place not so paranoid. :laughing:

It honestly blows my mind thinking back, that I actually considered quitting roleplaying due to everyone thinking I was satanic. Ultimately I just said forget them and became an ace DM instead, I think I’ve lost my touch though now, haven’t played a tabletop RPG in over 10-15 years. Lots of good memories and fodder to write stories though.

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Blizzard has, at times, argued that their stance on “automation” is best summed up as:

“One button to one action.”

Meaning that pressing “1” must only activate a single keystroke, and that that keystroke should only activate a single on screen action. Macro’s that activate trinkets are a single action, for example, because it’s pressing one icon on screen.

Given that they support multi-boxing, the answer is that this extends only to a single client. One button, one action, one client. If you have multiple clients and a background program that tells those clients what you’re pressing, that’s still one button to one action.

The schism comes in because, when you look at it, you end up saying “well… but it’s one button making 5 button presses in 5 game clients…” to which the rebuttal is:

“One button, one action, per game client.”

Multiboxing should not be allowed in Classic. I don’t care if it was there then or not. It’s a P2W situation that should never have been allowed in the first place. Time to rectify that mistake and remove multiboxing completely.


Actually my very last game of D&D the party turned on my new character and killed me because they were planning to betray the NPCs I’d befriended.

I’m still here, lol, but those players were lamesauce. At least I was a monk with the power to kill myself with my mind as they closed in, (the DM let me do this to preserve some dignity) and then they honestly wondered why I quit playing with them not long after that. :laughing:

Roleplaying is either the most fun thing in the world or the least fun thing in the world entirely dependent on who’s with you.

Even though they are not the ones paying for it with there own money blizzard is still getting paid to give them game time. Though you do bring up a good point when talking about how much blizzard really makes with multiple boxers because they actually make more money with wow tokens. This is because the wow token does three key things:

  1. They transfer gold from one player to another, meaning no gold is really being added, just moved from one place to another.

  2. They add one month of game time to one players account.

  3. They are making a an extra 5 dollars off of the transition.

So ultimately wow tokens are premium servers in which you a pay someones sub in order for them to farm gold for you. It is a transaction in which you pay extra money and get less gold than market value, for a transaction you could have set up yourself.

Simply put multi boxers who use wow tokens instead of subs, are making more money for blizzard than if they didn’t use wow tokens. So ya, this myth is actually true!

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It’s cheap I do agree, Blizzard will never do anything about it, but I don’t particularly like it.

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If they made it were it was not allowed on pvper servers. And just for pve, I dont care as much if some dude wants to solo a dungeon. But for pvp its broken and outnumbered, but the system I guess doesn’t work like that.

And as long as they don’t get counted for, I was going to say achievements but that was not out until Wotlk I think. But world first all that because they can afford to up the odds, compared to a single player. But again the system probably doesn’t work that way either.

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Yeah the kid, is 23. In addition to being Autistic, he has other mental health issues. He is permanently disabled ad meticulous about achievments but we work on those things every day. Maybe someday he will be ok with it.

And yes that was a direct reply to someone who said to ban mutliboxers you just limit the number of accounts that can be linked to one credit card. I showed in my situation how stupid that would be

Earlier, I showed how people can multibox without software. I also showed how you can get around most software to stop multiboxers. You will not stop it if people want to do it.

All this because some guy lost a PvP fight and couldnt form a PvP response to a PvP issue.


I certainly wish you and him the best. I know that it can be a challenge. <3

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I am outta likes so I will just say thank you for the well wishes.


Right, because buying 40 WoW accounts as a coping mechanism for your kid isn’t stupid…

You’ve already said that PvP wasn’t a supported feature of WoW, and that macros were added to support multiboxers, and now you think that because your kid has autism that it’s perfectly normal to allow people to burn through 40 accounts. If you can’t understand the absurdity of, like, every other post you’ve made, then I don’t know what to tell you.

Dude, if you are gonna insult a disabled person because you cant handle losing in PvP you are def someone who needs a break from the forums. Thats horrible behavior.


“I can’t believe there was a time when RPGs were so demonized”

I played D&D in boarding school and when I went home for the summer I had to give my friends my character sheets because I would have been dragged to church and given an exorcism or something if my parents had found them Satanic panic in the 80s was real, playing RPGs meant you were going to be demon possessed or go to the psychiatric hospital after losing your grip on reality.

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Pretty much it. I admit to skimming over the OP, but I’m pretty sure I’ve read it all before years ago.

Then it showed up in ET

I can’t wait to multibox a bunch of 19 twinks.

Your post has NEVER been about multiboxing. You got owned and couldnt respond to it in game. Bet you havent even read any of the other responses posted above how Blizzard will NOT ever change their stance on multiboxing. They have had 15 years to do so and they dont want to. You lost. Give up.

I sent you to that web page so you could educate yourself so you would not be as ignorant of mutliboxing as you were. I used the example of my son as to why you cant limit accounts based on billing. You chose to go personal because you lack any human decency.

BTW - My son is sitting next to me and farming for a new hunter pet. We just finished an ICC transmog run and he wanted to do his own thing :smiley:


Dude, you’re a jerk… Just because no one jumped on your bandwagon and immediately chanted your name as a conquering hero doesn’t mean you can insult someone’s disabled kid. I would say get a life, but that would be lost on you.

You got beat in PvP by a multiboxer and are mad about it. You are literally making a post that has been made thousands of times before, it hasn’t changed in 15 years. You offered a suggestion on how you think they can stop people multiboxing and were given valid examples of why those ideas wouldn’t work and would actually hurt normal people that far out number those that actually multibox.

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Reread it.

There is no automation going on, thus bo cheating. I push a key, just like I normally would for every action.

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