Multiboxer Exploiting on Kromcrush-US

How is multiboxing not pay-to-win?

did anyone mention that he has sappers

here’s a fun gif of him using them

Personally I hope this guy gets banned. I’m tired of seeing him in front of every raid portal.

He’s not doing anything that those same amount of accounts could not do if they weren’t being multiboxed. It is not “pay to win” if 5 accounts are still able to do the same thing 5 accounts are able to do
being piloted by 1 person or 5 people doesn’t change that.

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You know except hiding in an area above normal terrain that requires abuse of a specific class mechanic to even enter. Which makes him unkillable unless someone also terrain exploits, the fact he’s able to sit above the orb and can freely jump down to use 15+ sappers on anyone he wishes is by definition exploiting along with griefing.

That is not what was asked nor what I was answering.

You said,

He’s not doing anything that those same amount of accounts could not do if they weren’t being multiboxed

Which isn’t true because you’re ignoring the original premise of the OP. Which is terrain griefing which is the main point.

Talking about a nebulous multi-boxer, not this guy in particular. Pronouns are hard on the internet.

Multi-boxing is not against the rules.

Stay in school, you need to improve your reading comprehension

Exploiting terrain is though. It’s considered safe-spotting and is 100% bannable, whether blizzard chooses to act upon it is another matter, but it’s in their EULA

Bump. This needs visibility. The cheating needs to stop.

He’s wall clipped above them.

Yeah, anyone abusing out of bounds nonsense really ought to be banned, but in the meantime, stop being bad.

Greater Nature Protecrion pots, and/or the spell reflect Zanza exist. Pop the Zanza as you go down the hall and watch him melt himself.

Stop wearing your PVE no stam trash gear while you run about the world, wear something with high stam or spell resist instead.

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yea just live 23 sappers with nature res and a spell reflect that doesn’t work on sapper, that will show him

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I mean multiboxing is exploiting to begin with so, of course they’re exploiting.

Wear your fire res and pop greater fire prot pot then if hes sappering. Someone said he was doing chain lightning so that’s what I responded to.

Yes if I’m in fire res gear with raid buffs and a GFP, I’ll survive that many sappers.

well you are presuming he is on his own, which he is not, if i go to the orb on tuesday nights ill get between 75-100 hks running in

Salty qq babies. If blizz wanted it fixed they would fix it. And btw little dorf this is my main.

Nothing, has been supported since Vanilla