Multiboxer Exploiting on Kromcrush-US

Literally what this entire thread is about. Thanks for the bump.

I just want to reiterate that over the course of his griefing, we have only responded in this way once he started exploiting. Previously we simply blew him up with alts or just ran past him, and he’s never stopped us from raiding before. But if he is willing to exploit now, a line has been crossed and action needs to be taken.

For people who are saying “whattabout others who do it???” You are missing the entire point of this post. Just because other people rob a bank doesn’t justify you doing so, lol.

It’s not really the correct format for reporting. Although, I hope that if the person is indeed exploiting that your report is well received, I do hope the OP doesn’t have any issues as a result of mentioning names, which may be deemed as against the forum code of conduct.

Thanks for your input? This is as good a place as any to bring this sort of thing to attention. I know that you think the forums are simply a place to troll on your alt, but there are other uses.

You’re the one trolling with this sort of statement.

Is it? Well, like I said, I hope that the report is well received.

There are two things in the Forum Code of Conduct that make me question whether this is indeed a good place to post such a thing.

Posting Cheats, Hacks, Trojan Horses or Malicious Programs

This category includes:

  • Posting links to cheats, hacks, or malicious viruses / programs
  • If you would like to report information regarding cheats or hacks to Blizzard, send it to Do not post it to the forums.


Harassing or Defamatory

This category includes both clear and masked language and/or links to websites containing such language or images which:

  • Insultingly refer to other characters, players, Blizzard employees, or groups of people
  • Result in ongoing harassment to other characters, players, Blizzard employees, or groups of people

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, he/she will:

  • Be given a temporary ban from the forums, depending upon severity

Harassment takes many forms, and is not necessarily limited to the type of language used, but the intent. Repeatedly targeting a specific player with harassment can lead to more severe action. The idea behind this is to prevent any one player from consistently being uncomfortable in the forums.

Those things make me think that a private report is a better place. Perhaps I am mistaken.

My post was temporarily hidden, then reinstated by a blizz rep. So thanks again for the bumps, please focus on the topic of the main post.

Well, that seems to be a good sign. Good luck with your efforts.

Swamp Status: Drained
Golden Girls Status: Pending

The fact that multi-boxing is even allowed at all is pretty questionable. Given that it’s enabled by third party programs I don’t really see how you can make an argument for allowing it especially given the ridiculous amount of power it gives one person.

Literally who tried to silence me? Sit back down.

Lol. I hope he starts streaming your tears. The alliance deserve this. It’s what you get for being alliance scum. HAHAHA

Multibox software is too powerful, 1 keyboard press = 20 different actions, depending what the key is assigned to on the other accounts transmitting at light speed. Need to get rid of multibox software to create a more fair playing field. There is absolutely no way a single man can control 20 accounts WITHOUT assistance from software. The program enhances humans actions like a human flying around in an Ironman suit of armor.

Sit down infurryor being.

Yeah, idk. It’s literally just another flavor of botting. I don’t know how Blizzard justifies leaving these people alone… oh wait nvm I know. $$

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I’m a big fan of World PVP but glitching to get into walls and on top of things is pretty bad. As others have said just keep reporting him and get as many people to do it as you can.

For anyone who says people getting in trouble for this type of thing isn’t Vanilla like I have a screenshot from April 2005 saying otherwise:


Yes. We deserve to have a cheating exploiter target us for not cheating and exploiting.

Because we’re playing alliance.

Yes you do

Bumping for visibility to blizz!!!

The fact the player whose name is similar to front loader, who actually bought all those shaman accounts hasn’t been banned yet is beyond me. He’s openly been caught bragging about it in discord and got outted.

Take action Blizzard.

Sounds like you have reading comprehension problems.