Multi tank player looking for positive raiding home

Long time player looking for a home. I love running mythic+ and have been a multi-AOTC player in my wow life. Looking for a place to call home. I want to know people by name…swap stories of wow past…joke about how slow my tanking is. You know, a home.

I can play pally / DK/ DH / Monk and can try to dps if needed . If you want me to dps I would need some support and no yelling at bad parses.

I can raid from 8:30est to Midnight most nights. I would love a 2 day / 4 hour total team but not required.

Hey man im the GM over at The Endless Flame and we are a casual but competent group looking to progress and shoot for AOTC in the war within… we are small and new right now but ive been working hard to bolster our ranks and get ready for expansion! If this sounds good to you feel free to message me on discord @jch9199