Multi-Shot should be a base ability

Rogues don’t have to spec into Fan of Knives or Blade Flurry, Monks don’t spec into spin kick, and so on. All ranged Hunters should have this one AOE move at the very least.

So Multi-Shot is baseline for MM. I do agree that for BM it should be baseline

Core abilities you need to deal aoe damage should be baseline for all imo.

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It would be useless without Beast Cleave but would still make us have one less required point for AoE

That’s fine by me. IMO, talent trees should be about customizing your moves, not about picking up moves that you need for every day gameplay.

To be fair they probably don’t want one build fits all gameplay, if they gave us competitive AoE damage access baseline only the min-maxers would be swapping builds for raid and M+

I’m not asking for competitive AOE damage baseline, I’m just asking for one AOE ability to be available for all.

100% agree here, pretty much everything in the game gets its baseline absolute minimum AOE ability by default. Having absolutely nothing for AOE beyond explosive shot when you’re talented into a single target build just feels really bad and means even in stuff like raid finder you feel like you have to be changing your talents every time you go between trash and bosses.