Multi Role looking for a home =)

Hey there! I am currently looking for a group of people and a home for this game that I can’t seem to stay away from. I have been a member of a group of six different AOTC groups (Ansurek, Fyrakk, Scalecommander, Nzoth, Azshara, Ghuun). I am the kind of person who tends to play what is needed, but prefer to play a tank or ranged DPS.

I have a very twisted sense of humor so I’m not offended easily, and I am looking for a place without toxicity and cliquey behavior to call home! I have a full normal clear of undermine under my belt so far with 3 bosses down in heroic. Always willing to help out whenever needed and I only occasionally laugh or tea bag people who die in fire. I can raid any time of the week and love me some mythic plus.

If I sound like a good fit please let me know, thanks!


Hello! The Gathering Hall is newly formed, only a month old and already up to 65 members. Our sole run on Heroic Palace went 6/8, and we’re 8/8 normal and 1/8 heroic in Season 2. We do weekly Mythic+ runs on Mondays and our open raid times are Tuesday, Friday and Saturday 8-11 pm EST. These are open signups with no weekly obligation or expectation. Come when you can.

In addition to these we are starting a separate invite-only progression team on Saturday nights. This group will run simultaneously with our Saturday open night. This is a harder more advanced progression team but open signups are always available as well.

We believe in a positive community without toxicity or cliquish behavior. We regularly run lower key nights to help gear members, and will often put together matching armor weights for groups to gear up individuals. We’re open and accepting to players who are experienced in TWW content, returning, new, or considering raiding for the first time!

If interested feel free to reach out here, on battlenet at wideninggyre#11619, or on discord: wideninggyre. (the . at the end is part of the name, won’t work without it)

What’s up Constipation!

Sketchy is looking for seasoned Raiders/M+ runners who love to have a good time, yet know when to switch on during progression. We are a brand new guild with our focus on AOTC every tier, and to progress Mythic without the stress that comes with high-end progression raiding. We don’t expect to get CE, but we go as far as we can because why stop at AOTC?

We are looking for people who want a place to call home, chill out together, bang out some M+, and raid together each tier. (I personally can’t wait for guild neighborhoods as well).

Raid info:

Raid is Friday and Saturday from 7:30pm to 10:30pm PST with a 15min break roughly halfway. We push M+ the rest of the week, typically in the evenings and have a great time doing it!

Our first raid night as a guild will be this Friday to introduce everybody since we are mostly strangers to each other at this moment, but that shan’t be for long!

A tank or ranged dps would be great for us, whichever one you would have the most fun playing is what’s important to us!

We will also be doing Glory of the Liberation of Undermine Raider later this season for any member that wants to join. It’s a really great time and it’s what I look forward to hosting every tier.

What we value

We don’t take kindly to people ego-ing or being toxic to each other. I wont stand for that whatsoever. You wont have to deal with that here, but that’s not to say we don’t love a good sense of humor and banter.

What I really care about is someone’s character. With a crappy person, no matter how skilled they are, I wouldn’t want to raid or do M+ with them. If someone is not performing as well, I expect them to be willing to learn so we can help them.

If you’re interested or have any questions, contact my discord: scyllizzy
Thanks for reading and have a lovely day!

Hello! Sounds Like you would be a great fit for our team please contact me if the info given sounds good!

Are you looking for a home?

My name is Shavalo aka Rahiko on disc and bnet. I am an officer and main recruiter for The Corrupted Order. We are ready to push mythic hard for s2!

What are we offering?

The Corrupted Order is currently recruiting for Nerub-ar Palace!

Our primary goal is to achieve a respectable environment that individuals can consider their virtual family! Our main core is raiding/mythic+ however we are improving more into the roles of social environment as well as future pvp endeavors!

While doing heroic queen kills and start to prog into mythic. If you’re looking for a place to call home, we invite you to join us on our adventure


Our War Within record:

Season 1

AOTC Heroic Queen

4/8 Mythic

Season 2

8/8 N Undermine first day!
1/8 H


We are currently looking for individuals to join us in running keys of all varieties. We don’t want to exclude anyone, even if you’re only doing 2s and 3s. Our goal is to encourage all our members to enjoy themselves and have a great time playing this game!


If you feel you are struggling and need assistance our current Gm and many other members of the guild just want everyone to show they want us to improve as well as providing coaching on what to improve and show individuals how they can do that. We want you to be your best and we are determined to help you get there!

About Us

The Corrupted Order a non-elitist guild looking to enjoy the game and turn our guildies into our virtual family! As The Corrupted Order wants to keep expanding into future expansions, if you chose to join us we will continue to crush future content, downing bosses, and enjoy the adventure together!

Team Corrupted Schedule/Raiding Teams

Our Team Corrupted Raiding Times;

Currently for mythic we are requiring a 620 >ilvl.

Tuesday: 9:30PM - 11:30PM EST Mythic
Thursday: 9:30PM - 12:30AM EST Mythic

Team Corrupted Raid Roster

Roles needed: For Team Corrupted

Tanks: backup only

DPS: Warrior and Druid

Healers: backups only

We want our raid nights to be an enjoyable time. However, we still expect users to show their commitment!

But most importantly:

We welcome like-minded individuals who want to continue raiding and participating in Mythic+ beyond achieving AotC. We’re looking to add more players who are humble and open to learning together. If you think you’re the best and never make mistakes, this guild might not be the right fit for you. Keep the elitist mindset to race to world first guilds thanks!

***Exceptional applicants can feel free to sign up even if we aren’t recruiting your class/spec. Outstanding applications will always be considered.

Our Simple Raiding Requirements for The War Within

  1. You must attempt to be able to raid your teams scheduled times from the set times given.

We understand you guys have lives. We all do that being said we do not expect everyone to spend all of their free time in a video game! Raid invites go out 15 minutes before the start time as well as a notification in game and discord. If you are unable to attend, please notify the raid leader or an officer in advance additionally, update your status on the sign-up sheet in the respective teams channel on Discord.

  1. Come prepared with the knowledge or ability to take criticism of your class/spec/talent choices, current content raid bosses and mechanics we will teach you if you ask!.

Be able to perform decently with your chosen class, spec, and talent choices. We won’t tell you how to play your class or spec, but if your performance is noticeably lacking on a per-fight basis, it will be addressed privately AGAIN many individuals are here to help you learn if you are unsure about parses our GM loves teaching about those or anyone in the guild would love to teach you about your class if they know! We log our fights for your review and will post boss fight videos when they become available to help everyone familiarize themselves with the current raid content.

  1. Have Discord installed

We use Discord as our primary form of communication. Please have it installed so you can at least listen in. A working microphone is also helpful, as some fights may require direct communication from you.

How to join The Corrupted Order


If you require a response from myself immediately please contact me here;

Guild Recruiter: Rahiko#1225 - Rahiko (Discord)

Preferably contact me on disc please!

Hey Constipation. If your still looking our AOTC team is looking for more dps.
We raid Fri/Sat 9-11 EST. Take a look at the link below and reach out if you would like to talk. We do Mythic+ all throughout the week.

  • Discord: dlchamp | Braga#11240
  • Discord: vitanya | Kaeldar472#1318

–Eternal Grave –
Raiding & M+ Guild
Undermine - 8/8 N
Undermine - 4/8 H
Cross Fraction Guild

Eternal Grave is looking to grow as we dive into the new raid tier! We’re a progression-focused guild with a laid-back vibe, aiming to push further into Mythic content this tier. Last tier, we went 2/8M, and this time we’re hungry for more!

Raid Times:

Tuesdays & Thursdays: 8:00 PM - 11:00 PM PST
We’ve decided to keep things simple with a 2-day raid schedule, allowing our members flexibility to enjoy other content or take a breather.
Optional runs and Mythic+ groups happen regularly outside of raid nights.

Currently Recruiting:

-Boomkin High Priority
-Ele Shaman High Priority
-Enc Shamn Medium Priority
-Ranged DPS
-Any really good DPS in general

We are also looking for some Mythic Plus Focused Players, who also would want to be bench raiders, where you will get guaranteed AOTC and opportunities to raid mythic as well!

What We Offer:

A chill and supportive environment for progression.
Mythic+ groups for gearing and pushing keys.
No drama, just fun and focus on raid nights.

What We’re Looking For:

Reliable, team-oriented players ready to grow with us.
Willingness to improve and contribute to progression.

Contact Us:
Interested in joining Mythic+ groups or jumping into raid action? Reach out to:

MrSmash1993#1531 (BNet)
Cerundion (Discord)

Let’s get that loot and have a blast this tier!

Im pretty late to this sorry, My guild is currently looking for a dedicated healer (preferable) but if you wanted to raid as dps that would be totally fine we need 1 dps also :smiley: We are doing aotc into mythic, and are focused but also not toxic sweats about it, very chill vibe here, people always in disc, always running keys, and always welcome to join for keys, we usually spam 6-10s

Who We Are:

Big Facts is making a triumphant return! Originally formed during Shadowlands, our guild is coming back strong for Season 2 of The War Within, and we’re looking for adventurers to help rebuild our community.

We’ve already met some incredible people along the way, but we need more heroes to fill our ranks! Rebuilding a guild takes time, effort, and patience, but we’re in it for the long haul. If you’re looking for a place to grow, learn, and have fun, we’d love to have you on board!

What We’re About:

Our current focus is Mythic+ dungeons, but we’re also pushing for AOTC (Ahead of the Curve) in raids—with the potential to dip into Mythic bosses as we progress.

What We Offer:

:white_check_mark: A laid-back, welcoming community for both new and returning players
:white_check_mark: A drama-free, inclusive environment where everyone can enjoy the game
:white_check_mark: Dedicated members ready to help with Mythic+, gearing, and mechanics

Who We’re Looking For:

:shield: Healers – Keep us alive, and we’ll love you forever!
:dart: Ranged DPS – Rain destruction from afar? Join the fun!
:crossed_swords: Melee DPS – Smash, cleave, and wreck? We’re here for it!
:fire: Mythic+ enthusiasts who want to push keys and improve together
:muscle: Chill, team-oriented players who enjoy progression and a friendly atmosphere

Raid Schedule:

:date: Nights: Friday & Saturday
:alarm_clock: Time: 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM PST
:trophy: Primary Goal: AOTC (Ahead of the Curve)
:star: Bonus: Mythic raid progression if numbers allow

How to Join:

Interested? Have questions? We’d love to hear from you!

:speech_balloon: Discord:
:arrow_right: Sirgriz#6424
:arrow_right: Offseeker#8065

:arrow_right: Offseeker#1965
:arrow_right: Seregris#1963

Big Facts is back—be part of something great! :rocket:??

Not sure what your availability is, but I’ll advertise both teams. I represent Karma Gaming from Proudmoore. We’re looking for raiders and mythic+ players of all skill levels to play with.

Weekday Team Team Lunar

  • Wednesday: 8:30-11:30 PDT
  • Thursday: 9:00-12:30 PDT

Weekend Team 6 Pack & A Prayer

  • Saturday: 7:00-9:30 PDT
  • Sunday: 7:00-10:00 PDT

Contact Information

  • Swiftshîfter (Shadowfyre#1345)
  • Discord: swiftshifterz
  • Holyhotdogs (Holyhotdogs#11398)
  • Discord: Holyhotdogs

Hey Diarreah (the cure, lol!),

You may enjoy a guild like ours — small, close knit, but fun! I run this guild with my husband as my Co-GM. However, we are a Pacific Time based guild and it seems there is a shortage of guilds on that coast, but it does suit some MST/CST/EST players that work second shift, have spouse/kids to tend to, or simply are night owls. Currently we have roughly ~50 active members that make up roughly about ~170 characters (some are admitted altoholics!).

If raiding is what you’re looking for, we have a handful of spots available on our Mythic raiding team, Olympians — they would be running on TUE/THUR from 8 PM to 11 PM Pacific for Liberation of Undermine. Many of our folks from the Mythic team also run (on alts/main) our Heroic raiding team, Prophets — on WED/FRI from 8 PM to 11 PM Pacific. We also occasionally run an open PUG Normal raid on Sundays (Pacific Time). Right now we’re looking to start to build a healthy bench for these raid teams as well, which helps those with limited time to access that content on the occasion they are needed to fill spots.

Aside from raiding, we constantly run delves and dungeons and there are several M+ runners and M+ static teams in our guild to go through that journey. We are also a social guild and encourage everyone to participate in Discord (our guild chat isn’t as active admittedly, as is with most guilds) which is our main hub for all our events! We host things like Cards Against Humanity, Truth or Dare, Pictionary, or TV/Movie watch parties too! There is always a few folks sitting in Discord to chat with too (mostly afternoons and evenings of course cuz we’re adults and work!), but not so many that it overwhelms.

If any of this interest you, add me on BTAG at Danitsia#1308 or on Discord, join our TLP-WoW server: discord(dot)gg/HJDDS3E

Check us out at tlp-guild(dot)com or read our ad below:

<3 Dani

Who We Are:

Big Facts is making a triumphant return! Originally formed during Shadowlands, our guild is coming back strong for Season 2 of The War Within, and we’re looking for adventurers to help rebuild our community.

We’ve already met some incredible people along the way, but we need more heroes to fill our ranks! Rebuilding a guild takes time, effort, and patience, but we’re in it for the long haul. If you’re looking for a place to grow, learn, and have fun, we’d love to have you on board!

What We’re About:

Our current focus is Mythic+ dungeons, but we’re also pushing for AOTC (Ahead of the Curve) in raids—with the potential to dip into Mythic bosses as we progress.

What We Offer:

:white_check_mark: A laid-back, welcoming community for both new and returning players
:white_check_mark: A drama-free, inclusive environment where everyone can enjoy the game
:white_check_mark: Dedicated members ready to help with Mythic+, gearing, and mechanics

Who We’re Looking For:

:shield: Healers – Keep us alive, and we’ll love you forever!
:dart: Ranged DPS – Rain destruction from afar? Join the fun!
:crossed_swords: Melee DPS – Smash, cleave, and wreck? We’re here for it!
:fire: Mythic+ enthusiasts who want to push keys and improve together
:muscle: Chill, team-oriented players who enjoy progression and a friendly atmosphere

Raid Schedule:

:date: Nights: Friday & Saturday
:alarm_clock: Time: 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM PST
:trophy: Primary Goal: AOTC (Ahead of the Curve)
:star: Bonus: Mythic raid progression if numbers allow

How to Join:

Interested? Have questions? We’d love to hear from you!

:speech_balloon: Discord:
:arrow_right: Sirgriz#6424
:arrow_right: Offseeker#8065

:arrow_right: Offseeker#1965
:arrow_right: Seregris#1963

Big Facts is back—be part of something great! :rocket:!

The Club is a casual mythic raiding guild, that was formed by 3 long time WoW friends with collective achievements of CE and multiple m+ seasonal titles. Our guild is NOT CE focused, but a “50% mythic clear” focus. Meaning, we do not intend to push for CE but have a goal each tier to kill 4-5 mythic bosses. We will be pushing 2 times a week until we’ve achieved 4-5 mythic kills per tier. Outside of our “raid season” we plan to push mythic+ and focus on building our community doing other fun guild things. We provide a competitive environment that allows any new trial an opportunity to earn a place in our raid team, while our current raiders are constantly striving to improve. Outside of raiding you will find our raiders in M+ mostly as we have players who have experience pushing season title.

Times/days: THUR & FRI 8:30pm-11:30pm PST!

8/8N/6/8H in Liberation of Undermine

Needs of raid team: warrior/dh dps/strong healers/warlock

What we provide for our raiders:

-All raid consumables (Flasks, Food, and Vantus Runes) are funded by BoE raid drops.

-M+ is a big focus for some of our players with some even having multiple season titles. Therefore forming groups and m+ support from the guild will provide plenty of opportunities to fill vault and gain experience.

-One month(4 weeks) of 3 raid days allows us to achieve most of our guilds raid progress so that we can then drop to once a week casual mythic raiding.

Raider expectations:

-Research fights or ask an officer for help

-Have your character prepared for the fight we are progressing

-Have any consumables that are not provided

-Have addons updated.

-Update the attendance channel if you are unable to make raid.

BNET: Jonpocalypse#11293 Hadek#11645 Greatsten#1596

Hey there, are you still looking for a guild? I’m the GM of From The Embers on Laughing Skull, we’ve also got a twisted sense of humor and are looking for some ranged DPS. If you’re still interested, hit me up on Discord: Vornwin or BNET: Vornwin#1447

Howdy! You sound like the kind of person we’re looking for on the team, I would love the opportunity to chat with you about it. Here’s some info, hope to hear from you soon! Have a fantastic day :slight_smile:

Ice Cream Social is a raid team within CORE, a community based around CORE, The Instance and other Frogpants Network shows. The guild (and team) are safe and inclusive for all walks of life!
We raid Sunday and Monday 7:30-9:30 pm MST (8:30-10:30 pm Central)

We are a newer team within the community, with the goal of achieving AOTC while maintaining and cultivating an atmosphere of laid back fun. If this sounds like the place for you, we would love to chat with you!

The team is 1/8H. Our community is very active, both in game and in our discord. We regularly do M+, other raids and have events as well.

Arakkias (Team Lead)
Discord: arakkias
BNet: Arakkias#1208

Hello Constipation! Great name BTW

I am the guild leader of Everlasting Vengeance on Illidan. We are a mythic+ and AOTC+ focused guild that raids on Wednesday and Saturday from 8:30PM to 10:30PM EST. We mostly focus on AOTC with casual mythic raid progression. This past season we went 8/8H and 4/8M. So far in this current season we are 8/8N and 4/8H.

We were hit by the roster boss at the end of last season and looking to add more players into the group. We are a very friendly, helpful guild comprised of veteran wow players. The core group has played together for multiple seasons/years now, always achieving AOTC. We also have a mythic+ key night on Fridays to help guildies fill vault. We are a friends first type of guild meaning we actually try to get to know our members, talk to them, help each other out, and talk on discord throughout the day.

We are in need of another tank currently for raid and mythic+. We could easily find a place for you! If you are looking for a long term home where you can make some longer lasting friends please reach out to me. I would love to talk to you more. Preferred method of contact is by discord but i can be reached through Bnet as well.

Discord - Crassix
Bnet - JTMack#1968

Hey Constipation!
You sound exactly like our type of player and we would love to have more ranged dps(or any dps you prefer to play) :smiley:

Sick Society is looking for DPS. Our raid nights are Sun/Mon 9pm est to 1130 pm est and our current progression is 3/8H 8/8N. We are also recruiting M+/social PVP/leveling players. Add my btag for more info or an invite :smiley: Barbiedoll#11882 or my discord barbiedoll6809

Heya! You actually sound like a great fit! We could use that spirit in our groups. lol. Here is my guild post if you want to take a look