Multi Healer/Tank LF Guild

Multi Healer LF CE focused raiding guild. I CANNOT raid Fri/Sat nights, but other nights are open and weekend mornings.

Available Characters:

442 RDruid
441 Priest (Disc or Holy)
438 RSham
438 HPal

Tank Options:

438 BDK
DH/Monk Work In Progress

I do keys on all, but I’m not sweaty with it.

Prior CE:
Queen Azshara

Exp on M Sire and M Sylv in Shadowlands, both to final phases before next patch release.

Currently 5/9M on Preservation Evoker (not looking to leave my guild, so don’t ask)

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Hey! I don’t know what raiding times you are looking for, but we raid Sun/Mon which fits with the days you are available! Our raid times are 8:45p-Midnight eastern both Sun & Mon. We are looking for another healer for our team, with a strong preference for Resto Shaman (SPLINK is just so sexy), since we have 2 holy priests & 1 holy paladin on our core at the moment.

Here’s our recruitment post, and my discord tag if you are interested! @krystalline

would be interested in connecting. dropping our recruitment thread so that you can review. let us know if interested. most interested in hpal, rsham, or priest

Hello friend looking for a healer :slight_smile:
[H] [Illidan] 7/9M
Raid times are tues/wed 7:30-10pm central. Let us know if you’re interested.

Discord: ayati.
Discord: laolara

Hey! I am the GM of from the server Thrall. I saw you were looking for a raid team and wanted to see if mine would be a good fit for you.

We are a brand new guild formed with the purpose to achieve a cutting edge every tier, at a US200 or better level (starting in 10.2). We raid Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9pm-1230am EST with optional alt nights / sale runs on Sundays 9pm-1230am EST. We have a roster composed of many raiders with current and prior CE experience, as well as various levels of current tier mythic progression ranging from 4/9M to 7/9m+. We are looking for players who are excellent at their class, but also good players to be around that possess a likeable, team-focused personality. There is no place for egos, toxicity or degeneracy in the guild, and players like that will not be given a permanent spot regardless of their skill level.

In GIrls Night, you will find leadership with years of experience that is open minded and addresses concerns, where underperforming players get addressed and the raid environment is kept at a chill, non-toxic level. Everyone here has a say in how raids are approached and we openly encourage discussion during progression fights if the discussion is productive.

If that sounds good to you, I’m happy to answer any questions you may have or discuss trialing! I can be reached at my discord tag justin0180 (preferably), or btag at Protek#11993.

myself(r shaman) and my buddy (evoker, aug and dev) are considering looking for a guild to raid with our alts on off nights. We are both healing mains 7/9M with Nelth at 39%. Would be interested in talking. Mortiia on disc.

[H][US][BlackwaterRaiders] LF Team-Oriented Raiders that want to push Mythic

Progression: 5/8M VotI, 9/9 N AtSC, 9/9 H AtSC, 4/9 M AtSC

Raid times: Tues and Thursday 8:30 pm-3 hours after our first boss pull EST. We also have a secondary Raid Team that runs on Thursday and Sunday nights starting at the same time but ending at 11pm EST for alts, people who don’t want to pursue mythic progression, and people who don’t make the progression team.

Hello, I am the Guild Lead and Raid Lead for The Deadmen. We are a Horde guild on BlackwaterRaiders (in the US).

Our guild is the largest and most active on our server, and currently best progression-wise looking to keep that title and get some more realm firsts! We also CONSTANTLY are running Mythic+ and have people cranking out keys all week and pushing keys anywhere from the mid-teens to the mid-20s.

We are seeking friendly, capable players interested in competing for high level Mythic content, have good listening skills, are patient, and are collaborative. Our goal is to have a well organized team that communicates well on the road to Cutting Edge. We also strive to maintain a competitive and fun environment that is welcoming to all!

We prioritize creating a space where you can be yourself and enjoy the time you spend with the members of this guild. We almost always have people in one of our discord voice chats hanging out even if they’re not playing together or playing other games.

We are LGBT+ friendly and welcome to members of all identities, personalities, backgrounds, military service, and political affiliations. We also have officers solely dedicated to mental health check-ins and support.

Please message me if you are interested:
Discord: TheGantaGun#3912
Battle Tag: TheGantaGun#1518