Multi-Healers: Any Recommendations for a Fun Alt?

Got my +10s done, so not much left to do. Tried Holy Paladin—great visuals and instant casts, but I miss Mistweaver’s mobility, green mist, and AoE healing. Beacon of Virtue’s cooldown doesn’t match PUGs’ constant AoE damage. Multi-Healers: Any recommendations for a fun alt outside Monk?

What are your goals?
Evoker is a fun healer imo, takes a bit to get used to and the damage is super boring but a unique playstyle is good.

Resto Druid is cool with cat-weaving to do some damage, HoT and forget healing style until people take real damage or boss AoE then its just spam and hope.

Shaman and Priest have really just boiled down to spam 2-3 buttons and move on so I don’t find them interesting.

HPal was okay, but I felt it lacked something not sure what


Druid use to be fun. But going from monk all of them will feel slow and somewhat boring lol.

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Resto Druid playing Dream of Cenarius and Heart of the Wild with the Grove hero talents or Resto Shaman playing Farseer with Frost Shock using the Riptide build. There is absolutely nothing boring about healing for a crap ton while doing 300k dps in a Mythic+.

But if you don’t like to DPS as a healer… play resto druid with double rejuv? LOL

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hpal is highly mobile and immune with reach so idk quite what you mean. You have a talent where when you cant holy shock you or hte target gets a speed boost. So i just randomly do it to build and spend holy power and move faster. Highly mobile tho? maybe pres evoker or resto shaman. Monk is kinda unique tho atm. We move around fast and wild. Using druids mobilities in different forms can be creative and good and when you see a really good druid doing it they look like they are just everywhere.

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I was having fun on the disc priest.


Yea disc is probably where you’ll have the most fun

That’s what I go play when I want to switch it up.

For movement you just gotta learn to move while casting instants and you can also move while channeling penance

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Psychi, I think I remember you. They finally got you to melee? :stuck_out_tongue: I was searching old posts to find what your build was but couldn’t remember your character.

Or just stick with monk you can do more than 300dps in m+ with a monk and do ton of healing. After you go monk you never go back :stuck_out_tongue:

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