Multi-craft procs should give to Profession Worker

Title says it all;

This would be a great way to reward your profession worker with free TMOG, Bonus for crafting someones order.

Most of the time, multicrafts are pointless for the person placing the order, Especially when it’s patron orders.

This would require coding for certain items. I wouldn’t care to get the multicraft proc for that treatise on mining for my scribe/herbalist.

Or if you use the no mats no make addon, it will automatically swap your multicraft tool for a resourcefulness tool whenever you are doing patron orders and then you just get piles of mats for free.

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I could settle for that :stuck_out_tongue:

When you set it up it will have a drop down for your tools similar to equipment manager. Once you set that up it’ll automatically swap to multicraft any time the recipe can multicraft–unless it is a patron order, then it’s all resourcefulness.

Has honestly saved me soooooo many materials both from multicrafting when I’m making reagents for orders then getting resourcefulness procs when I’m doing the order. (Getting sanctified alloy from patron orders is the best!) I don’t even have to think about it because it’s automatic.