Multi Class Tank LF Guild

Hey every one, just here trying to see what is out there.

I’m looking for a guild for season 2, I’ve mainly played a dps for season 1 so id have some gearing to do on whatever tank I play.

Ive been tanking since WoTLK, I’ve been raiding since then as well. I’ve mythic raided on and off throughout mythics life span.

Most recent mythic achievements have been 6/10 Castle Nathria in shadowlands
I’ve gotten 3/8 M in VoTI.

I’m most interested in playing Prot Paladin but I’m willing to play any tank, ive played them all for progression at one point or another.

I’m available most days and times, i’ll tell you if I cant make your schedule.

Feel free to leave your info and ill get back to you.