Hey Actinicus, the following is our info, if you would like to discuss add me
Raid Days - Tue/Wed
Raid Time - 8-11pm EST
Current Raid Progression
9/9H 4/9M
Ring of Destiny’s Contact Members:
Toth - Battletag - Toth#1389
Ring of Destiny is a successful, stable, adult-oriented raiding guild on Velen server. We have been a guild in one MMO or another for over 20 years now, including Everquest, Everquest 2, Vanguard and of course World of Warcraft. Many of our members have played together for years, and some since the launch of Everquest.
It is our constant goal to advance the guild forward in a manner that exposes new content, upgrades for our members, and challenges our wits. This guild was created for the player who cares about progression, not just loot.
Learning new encounters and doing it with a group of players that have the same interests and want to have fun doing it together. We raid 8-11pm EST Tue/Wed, and we expect our members to raid on both days, sans occasional real-life events.
That being said, we recruit mature people that play well with others. We aren’t always looking for classes or specs. We are sincerely looking for friends to join the group and expect those that “mesh” to be long term members.
What we are like: Most every member is an adult, we do not tolerate “bad behavior” and we do not expect people to eat and breathe the game ( though some of our members do! ). Honestly, I can’t imagine another group of people that I would want to spend my online time with.
For more information, feel free to add Toth#1389