Multi-Class Rdps/OS Heals LF Myth Prog/CE Guild

Hi all,
I’m looking for a guild to raid with in pushing mythic/CE. I main Devoker/Ele Shaman and can OS heals if needed. I’m on [A] Stormrage and hoping to find a nice home. I have Logs if needed and experience w/ pushing mythic raids (9/10M CN and such, dated I know). I have played Bal/Rdruid, Spriest/Disc as well and have a melee class or two.

I mainly play Rdps or OS heal in a pinch. Feel free to message me, Bnet- TheeKingBee#1494, Discord-TheeKingBee :slight_smile:
Thank you mcuh!

Give us a gander if your still looking :slight_smile: