Multi class player LF raid team

Hey, went on vacation for a week, came back, and apparently, half the guild didn’t show up to raid at all or went to FFXIV lol.

I have a 217 prot pally 203 arcane mage, 203 disc priest, 182 WW monk.

I’ll play on any of them. My main is my pally obviously, that’s what I played with this guild. I would prefer to play on my pally as a tank or my mage as RDPS, but I’m honestly just tired of transferring characters to guilds that are gonna break up, so If you meet the requirements below I’ll play whatever you want lol.

What I offer:

  • I’m 8/10 HCN as a tank. I’ve pulled SLG to 10% and Sire to P3 so I feel confident that with your competent group, I could get those kills in a few pulls.

*Years of raiding experience. Vanilla, BC, WOTLK, BFA, SL.

*I can play multiple classes pretty seamlessly. Even if you want RDPS for your raids ( seems to be the theme ), I can bring the pally who is an excellent M+ tank for your guild. 5/8 toward KSM, kyrian, bulwark lego, etc. 1400 rating disc priest for pvp games, etc.

*I am an adult. I’m in my early 30s with a family, stable career and I generally enjoy this game. I’m not going to flake on you before raids, I schedule vacations and time off, months in advance, my career isn’t going anywhere. I’m reliable.

What I am looking for:
*A dependable raiding team that raids 2-3 nights a week EST or weekends ( the only day I cant do is Saturday from 6-8pm EST )

*Longevity. I play this game to have fun, not build a business. I own a business and have to lead people outside of here. I want to be a skill player who shows up and does their job with excellence. If you want me to help lead your team, or build your team by recruiting, etc. Im not your guy.

*Preferably a mythic-focused team.

*Mostly adults who enjoy the game. The goal is to kill bosses, get loot and have fun doing it. The reason this game always draws people back in is the community. I like talking trash, sharing memes, and killing stuff.

If you’ve taken the time to read all this and I sound like the player for your team, reply here or hit me up:
Game #Gompi11969 or Discord Gompi#9314

Look forward to hearing from you.

Hi Gompi! I think we’d be a great fit. Take a look and let us know. Happy to chat more!