No, you’re putting words into my mouth. There’s a difference between natural lowering of price, and that same price being gutted due to oversupply.
Are you talking about the Iron Docks/Skyreach/Botanica farmers? I think those are just old school bots. You can’t really multibox dungeon runs where each character is in a different dungeon. I mean you can! but it gets messed up whenever your character turns because of latency with camera angles.
So if I turn 6 characters and one of the lags a bit and they aren’t lined up anymore they won’t run the same direction as the rest of the characters.
Not really, they arent flooding the AH with new materials and devaluing the regular persons time. That is also something anyone can do, you can’t farm 5-8x faster without paying.
And do you have any proof that there are enough multiboxing herbalists to have a noticeable impact on the pricing?
Really? By holding all the herb they could increase the value of the herb?
Anything multiboxers accomplish can be achieved by playing solo, or in a group. That’s why Blizzard is fine with it.
Na, I know a few MBs and for example a lot of them farm cloth, raw gold, BOE and mounts to sell in BFA zones by going to places with high spawns and getting 8x loot per mob. You can also do something and trigger extra spawns when a group can kill the area fast enough, which a single person cannot do.
ah the 4x4 groups
You might wanna check out the forum code of conduct if you plan to keep posting.
Do you think having a 40 man multibox means you get 40 mats whenever you gather a node.
you literally have no idea what you’re talking about.
edit: my bad, I read this comment wrong. I thought you meant that you actually will get 40 taps on a node.
Comparing character count on each side of the equation is misleading.
The pertinent question is if a player multi boxxing has an advantage over a player playing a single character.
We are talking about the multi groups that are in 4 man parties so you can get more than 1 party to ‘tap’ each mob and loot it.
…I already have? are we gonna go around in circles again? Jesus dude i’m sick of everytime you get caught you just trying to deflect and ask for some smoking gun that you know nobody can reliably give you on either side of the argument without gathering information about it. EITHER side of the argument.
Deflation and supply and demand exist in the real world. we see what happens when there’s a massive amount of supply, with diminishing demand. My claims are backed up by evidence in how money works in general.
Your claims are, what? That aggressive overfarming ISNT a massive increase of supply? Where’s you’re proof dude? Why am i the only one who ever has the burden of proof? You’re so fond of whataboutism, Let’s put the shoes on the other foot. Can you prove beyong a shadow of a doubt that Multiboxxing WONT ruin the economy come shadowlands if we don’t rein in the massive amount of Multiboxxers we’ve got going in to it?
No, you cant. Not without being there for Every single instance, across every single server and gathering the information from every single transaction.
at least what i’m saying is grounded in reality, You’re just arguing against me for the sake of arguing. I’m done
I’m not sure what you’re saying, 40 characters can’t gather a node? What do you mean?
What’s he saying because I dunno lol
I don’t know what large multiboxing groups do besides pvp, that’s all I see on youtube is wpvp and then super dumb long trains of level 1’s walking.
I’m not too sure, tbh. I just had to correct my comment since I read it wrong, I think?
My bad then. I guess i took your comment as inflammatory when it wasn’t.
I wasn’t I promise
People repeatedly make the argument that multiboxing destroys economies but I always ask “why aren’t economies destroyed until the end of the xpac?” so I’m curious to see what will happen with professions on SL launch.
Yeah, that’s on me then. Sorry dude.
You can’t possibly have any proof that the number of multiboxers will increase with Shadowlands launch in comparison to BfA’s launch.
And I’m sick of you making unfounded claims. Yet here we are yet again.
This isn’t the real world. If you pull up a plant, it won’t just appear again in a couple minutes.
My proof is that the prices haven’t substantially changed between expansions. Except for WoD which had the garrisons massively overinflating crafting materials.
You’re the one who made the claim that multiboxers are suddenly going to be a problem with Shadowlands launch. The burden of proof is on you and you alone to provide evidence backing up that claim.
The only thing you’ve done in this thread is spread fear and misinformation. You have yet to present a single solitary actual argument as to why the rules should be changed regarding multiboxing.