I would recommend reading the available information on multi-boxing and not rely on hearsay, Drakelock, as “multi-boxing” in and of itself hasn’t been banned.
This is the most recent update regarding hardware.
This is specifically about multi-boxing.
A few things to consider. First, many multi-boxers get contacted by all manner of folks on a daily basis. Most avoid answering at all because it just isn’t worth the argument. Some will opt to troll the person and reply in a way to mess with that person. Some turn off their chat or only have chat active on one character (hence answering through a different character than who you contacted).
Second, while our main offices are located in Irvine, California the people who play this game are varied. The NA version is accessed primarily by folks who live in the Americas, North and South. This includes a number of regions that may not speak English, not even counting the number of citizens within this country who may speak or prefer other languages besides English. What language a person replies in really isn’t proof of anything.
If you suspect that someone is botting, please use the right-click report option. That will send a report to be used in any related investigations. Also, keep in mind that this update was made about 5 days ago. You won’t see a massive shift immediately, it will take time to sort those actually violating our policies from those who are not.