Multi boxers create a negative rmt feedback loop

:+1: :laughing:

You’re ignoring the EULA.


And if they banned the software, players would find another solution. Five PCs tied to a wireless keyboard and mouse would be the most obvious, and there wouldn’t be a thing Blizzard could do to stop it.

And yet his links contradict your claims. Seeing how you can’t even post the relevant link saying the opposite.


To come in to a thread discussing a different thread to try to gloat is a pretty fragile move.

And it would still be cheating.


it is possible. again, not arguing otherwise. if we take what the COC says though, it clearly is saying it wants to prevent players from ruining the experience others are having in the game. Warmode and world pvp in general was and is a huge fearture of BFA. So much so they have incentivised PvP. Not having warmode on means you’re actually losing out.

So now, you’re telling me I should turn off this feature BFA was built around because I don’t want to be ganked by 10 boomkins in Nazjatar?

Look, this is an ever evolving discussion. The issue boxxers posed to the game in the past was very different. There wasn’t any of the benefits in the past… but now, there are actually benefits to boxing. That has changed what boxxers mean to the game. I’m seeing substantially more of them these days because the game affords them that style of play.

I’m not blaming them either. Why not… But, I don’t like what they have brought to the game. I think they ruin the experience for myself and others and the COC speaks to that.


Wow. So many parroting the response that multi-boxing is cheating. It is in fact not unless they use 3rd party software to make it work. This has been discussed however many thousands or millions of times before.

No it isn’t, it’s a character judgement to let people know what the person they’re arguing with is like.

All he does is argue against anti multiboxing sentiment on the forums, that’s literally it.
Then when you post proof of him lying with his own quotes he’ll ignore you so it’s a wasted effort.



sorry…trying to post and run and misunderstood your point Jelkhazan

It would have to be against the rules. Blizzard allows you to have up to 8 WoW licenses per account, and I just don’t see a path to them taking those accounts away without legal entanglements.

Even if that was true, why does it matter what someone else does on the forums?

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It still seems like a petty and fragile thing to do.

“I know you are but what am I”

Incredible, Rahk strats.

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Every multiboxer is using software to make it work. That is the whole point you automate 15 toons to farm. If they manually went through each one, sure, idc. But all of these druids are using programs to replicate their inputs into other windows.

Stalking someone from thread to thread also seems like a fragile thing to do.


All good my friend. :smiley:

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Stalking? He’s in every single multiboxing thread, you can’t post in one without running into the guy.

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that person doesnt see the irony of THEIR behavior of going around an ignore when someone is clearly done with talking to them. They talk about dishonesty while proving just how little integrity they have.
And their ‘proof’ was hysterical…it had literally no bearing on anything

Every person playing the game is using software to make it work.

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