Multi boxers create a negative rmt feedback loop

“unfair” advantage…same as being ganked by a boxer or a group of 120’s.

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I know myself and I believe it was Firi linked blue quotes and policy from the Blizzard support pages as proof. What have you given again besides your opinion?

I’d roll my eyes but I don’t have any.

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I understand. You sacrificed your ability to eyeroll.

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I sacrificed everything.


Like the fact that Blizzard has stated that multiboxing is fine?


his argument is a hoax.
I DONT box farm and I never have any problem farming OR selling what I farm on the AH.
Theyre screaming for their demanded price and he knows it…as if hes OWED what he THINKS he should be getting.
And at the end of the expansion when prices are garbage anyway :roll_eyes:

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At least you didn’t drink the blood

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what have you given :wink:

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Yeah, I’m screaming and yet he’s using all the capital letters.

Also words like “hoax”, “screaming”, “demanding”, “owed”.

Ok boomer. Go back to your talk radio lol.


Kånume is the type of person who would look at a car being towed and say it’s the same thing as a self-driving car.

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tosses a ham radio at marsoft

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The COC isn’t enough for you?

Someone said that it was good for the economy while offering up no facts. So I countered with REAL world examples. Their response was “well, those aren’t facts.” meanwhile, they offered up no facts to counter.

I didn’t offer up opinions. I gave some examples of similar situations we see at play. I’d actually love to debate the merits of that example. If people think multiboxxers are good for the economy, they should be able to offer up some credible evidence, but they can’t. They say multiboxxing prevents gouging but that, on the surface, doesn’t make sense. Gouging happens when a good is restricted or is being controlled by a cartel of sorts. That… obviously isn’t happening. Not that gouging CAN’T happen in wow, but it doesn’t happen for goods that are easily farmed by LITERALLY anyone.

No one is buying up ALL the herbs to set them at a higher price. Herbs and ore have the most consistent prices in the game. Yet, the argument is they prevent gouging??? what gouging?

It’s a lie with no facts, not that these people are concerned with that.

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:rainbow_flag: :transgender_flag: :peacock:


Pretty sure that Dwarf is against that kind of pride. :frowning:

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I don’t think he cares.

I’m an openly transgender multiboxer. Where is your god now?

I applaud your gender identity and openness.

But I still wish multiboxers didn’t have to play alongside singular.
Will always be of that opinion.

Gender identity is not the same as sexuality, just fyi.

Blizzard doesn’t have any rules that say one-shotting someone is cheating.

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