Multi boxers create a negative rmt feedback loop

I know exactly what it means and I am using it appropriately, thanks for playing though.

Legit, I think a solid 40% of the population must be boxers now.

There’s too much damn support for it, and any singular player I know is against it.

It’s basically corporations (trying to be people) versus us little guys, lol.

I’m never gonna look at an army of 5-10 people (person) and go, “Yeah, that’s a nice player, I want to play with him!” When in reality it’s just to abuse resources, lol.

Actually what you’re saying makes zero sense. I can open 30 WoW windows without any MB software. I can control those 30 windows without MB software.

The update doesn’t matter, the “boxing is allowed” link does not address the use of third party software to box. The EULA says it is against the rules.

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For some people tl3 is account wide. It is for me too.

even if their rules did prohibit the software in question
they are the rule maker
they can allow ANY exceptions they want to allow

“stop on red
EXCEPT curb lane”
Even the law allows exceptions.

So either way
with the bliz statement on the matter, that side has ZERO argument here as to what is allowed or should be allowed.
BLIZ makes the rules here.

Okay, and?



Or, they could not they have that authority also.

I had retail and the PTR both going at the same time yesterday.


Ok and you’re saying:

This isn’t true. I can open and control, well I’m not going to say 30 because even though my computer isn’t a potato I think that many is a bit much, 5 WoW windows without using MB software.

So what you’re saying makes zero sense.

what a joke of a hoax.
you can box any time you want, gent.
You ARENT a victim here

And you were playing both at the same time?

You aren’t either, lol.

WTB boxer server.

Send all the whales there.

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Omgerd it’s account wide for me too!

Why should I be forced to leave my guild and names and RP behind because you’re saltier than the dead sea?

I haven’t done anything wrong.

I play two accounts at the same time every time I log into WoW :roll_eyes:

And yes without MB software of any kind.

So you’re the mule for the guild? Nice, the rest of them can actually play the game.