It’s really no different. Pushing one button to control ten characters through third party software is no better than full AI botting.
Yep… seriously, multiboxing is a cancer. Nothing good comes of it. It kills immersion, creates frustration for anyone competing with a MBr, they destroy the economy, have an unfair advantage in PvP…
Seriously. End this crap already Blizz.
with their hokey arguments, youd THINK they THINK that running a single character that pressing a key literally is physically poking the character to move LOL…
Its ALL being ‘broadcast’, if thats the word we’re using.
Bliz allows it. Thats all that matters.
They make me think of that kid who mommy tells cant have any snacks before dinner, but in his 4 year old mind believes he can reason with mommy and get the snack anyway lol
that equation also factors in EVERYONE uses rmt for gold. That simply isn’t true.
[Rougaroux] 29 posts
nah…not suspicious at all
Blizzard has the final say on what is considered cheating in their games. They don’t consider multiboxing cheating. So, multiboxing isn’t cheating.
The fact that you resort to name calling really shows your true colors.
Boxing is botting and should be banned.
It hasn’t effected me personally but, regardless of what Blizzard’s rules are or aren’t, I think it is corrupt gameplay.
Just because you are allowed to do something doesn’t mean you should.
heres one for you…
Hopefully they change their minds.
Because boxing is botting and it should be banned.
Fascism here folks. You are not allowed have an opinion. You cannot use words we dont like. Blizzard said it so it must be true.
The difference is one requires someone pressing buttons, the other doesn’t require a person to do anything.
Which is why they are running double standard. Third party software affecting the gameplay. With some cheaters using it to gain unfair advantage to others.
I have a link that might be of importance
You are not allowed to make sense here. Logic will get you flagged.
if they tell YOU you can box…but I can…double standard.
Telling us ALL that we can box…NOT a double standard
try harder
That link does not address the third party software use at all, that is what makes boxing botting. The EULA specifically says using third party software to gain an advantage is cheating.
I see no reason why I shouldn’t.
Blizzard said that it’s not against the terms of service and so long as my software is one action per buttonbush per license it’s fine.
Multiboxing allows me to level my alts faster, allows me to be in more than one place for DMing, and to make Silvermoon a more lively populated place this enhancing immersion.
Youre allowed to spew any uneducated vomit up that you want.
and we are allowed to correct you in front of everyone.