I thought Mug’Zee would kill PuGs since it has a ton of mechanics which require personal responsibility (like Silken Court), but with the exception of overlapping jails, failing the personal responsiblity mechanics are not a likely wipe.
Instead, the issue is now the hard enrage in P3, which means if your Normal PuG doesn’t have the DPS to down him in time, the boss is unkillable. Even with everyone 630+ ilvl, Normal PuGs seems to be much lower on DPS relative to Week 1 Nerub’ar Palace for some reason. I’ve just had to leave Normal PuGs which have Mug’Zee at 10% health at the hard enrage with everyone alive, because there’s no way to make up that differential without pruning the low-performers and that’s a faux pas for Normal. (the one kill I got barely beat the hard enrage)
It’s week 1 and with a vault or two + 4p tier, skilled DPS will have enough to compensate for low DPS for Mug’Zee, but this is the first time I’ve seen a hard enrage be an issue on Normal.
I went in with an alt group for normal and we were able to get him down with half of the group being under 630 ilvl and the other half performing like they were also under 630 ilvl.
The boss still died. Gallywix, on the other hand… It was close but there just wasn’t enough damage on that one even when the bombs were being done right, eventually we just ran out of room.
Ya my guild hit enrage at 4% left but we got him after 2 attempts. That fight has an insane amount of mechanics.
There was an old-timey gangster character in looney tunes named “mugsy.” Could mug’zee be a reference?
Almost everything in the raid is a reference. Just read the flavor-text and names of items dropped by Rik Reverb.
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I got him and Gally with the same PuG group on day one. Nobody was highly geared and it took a few tries, but they still dropped. I’ve found the biggest issue in PuGs with Mug’Zee is the earth elementals. People don’t go into rock jail with them and just keep tunneling the boss so half the raid gets killed by the elementals. I haven’t yet had an issue with the enrage, every group I’ve been in with alts that has actually gotten him to that point has killed him. Gally is just a big game of dodgeball.
We did an alt run and experienced much the same. Some characters were only doing like 500K DPS, myself included, unfortunately. We ended up clearing the instance with our alts, but Mug’Zee wiped us like 6 or 7 times while we worked out ways to better maximize uptime. In huge contrast, we one-shot Gallywix.
This raid is a jump in difficulty over the previous raid, and the big ilvl jump that Blizzard tuned around isn’t helping much either.
Gear and the weekly buff will fix it (in a month.)
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He’s also super buggy and will sometimes just skip his final phase transition so you can’t lower his energy before going into it
Great boss
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Aye, been with many groups so far and I still haven’t gotten passed mug’zee.
Would 100% would be. Mug’zee became the defacto strong henchman name.
To my surprise it only takes 1 pull after telling the raid “some people need to be in each jail circle” for them to actually do it. It helps that it’s forgiving and doesn’t need to be exactly 5 people in each jail.
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Yeah, I got caught out of position for one and ended up in with the other group’s jail for one of our attempts. Want to say it was the attempt we downed him, but I could be misremembering.
I mean, you can’t really say that the boss is tuned too hard if you have players doing healer quality damage, unless those were of course healers.
I pugged the entire normal raid today and we killed every boss on the first attempt, they all seem fine to me. Granted, I choose players who had either already done it on their mains or had watched youtube to know the mechanics. Given that you’re between 630-640 gear it was extremely easy, if you know mechanics but are ~620 ilvl I assume it would be harder but still quite alright.
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I pugged normal last night for my first time entering the raid and we only wiped once through the whole raid.
It felt like the difficulty was just right, if not a little undertuned.
Yeah, most of our alts were running near 620 or so. That was the recommended to get in. However, Mug’Zee gave us the most difficulty, but we overcame by finding ways to maximize our uptime.
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last two bosses are def dps checks, even if you do mechanics perfectly, a low dps group will simply run out of time, noticed this on Gally especially
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Based on his appearance, and the character?
100% a reference, ahah.
You do need pumpers to skip a big soak, and mines, this is for hc.
Normal is already a joke.