Mug'thol Horde Reconnections

Crazz, undead holy priest… 60 or so, I forgot it was 15 years ago ; ). Think I will return to heal you for classic

Lonestarbeer - Enhancement Shaman

Redrains, Undead Warlock
Whiterains Hunter
???rains Bloodelf

Was and still am in HARM. Mark hasn’t been on since Legion, but yeah I am ready to get back into classic.
Jande - My mage I raided thru MC on,
Moonbiter I raid into Naxx


Feel free to get in touch. :slight_smile:

Reliving a bit of the old days. :slight_smile:

Just sent you a discord add! I remember playing with you back in the day. I can’t remember what guild I was in on Mug (Maybe Void and/or Serious Business), but remember PvP’ing with you.

No clue, just a shot in the dark here. Sorry

Omegladon - Undead Rogue
Utopia - Also use to run those Pre-BC raids in my off time.
Looking for old timers like me

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Apophesis - Undead Shadow Priest from the PVP-BG farming guild Udder Destruction (my Vanilla account is seperate from this).

I’m curious about old friends/guildies, and would really like to touch base with my rogue friend, Gluttony. I was in a bad place back then. He not only befriended me, but helped me become more confident as a player and ultimately as a person in real life. It’s awesome to see some other familiar names in this thread as well. Shout outs to FIVE FX, Void, Utopia (I played with Explicit in Wrath through Ulduar), Vendetta, Lonestarbeer - bro I saw you in org all the time haha.
My brothers! The classic hype is real!

Acku - Orc Warrior Tank from Vendetta, Sureshot -> Truckdrivers & Shadows and Dust with Definition. Was offtank and later main tank, warrior officer.
Timelines sort of blurred so don’t remember all particulars. Anvilfour/six, Dittie all ring a bell.
Shout out if anyone remembers me from over the years. This is my original warrior and name :wink:

Hobotent the Tauren Warrior here. I was always jealous of your arena ratings lol. You probably played with one of my friends, Sayn the troll priest.

Hey! I was in your guild back in the day. I played Suggestions - Orc Shaman. I really missed playing with all of you guys. I remember Momento and Putrin for sure. We also had that shadow priest, I think his name was Vultrin? My buddy Xanokk was our tank for a little bit as well. Hope you’ve been well!

Sopimpin - Undead Rogue

Was looking to catch up with a few people from BC-Wrath times in classic. Send me a line at Bnet: SmokinZOB#1911 or Discord: Zobbie33#7838.

Added you on Discord, Athlete. My Discord tag is Zobbie33#7838. You may not remember me too well but I knew Dave, Sobad, Amstel and a bunch of others.

MooMooMilk-Tauren Shaman Checking in, mostly known for dancing in org at all kinds of hours of the night. Hope everyone has fun and hope to see old faces.

Jeego and mappi coming back?

Talib Orc Warrior

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Well damn, didn’t think I’d see this pop up on here. I rolled with you guys from TBC all the way through Wrath. I mained a mage called Voide and Obfuscate (rogue) was my 2’s partner mostly. Thanks for all the good times dude hope you’re doing well.

MooMoo! You legend! I never thought Id hear from you again. I played Suggestions - orc shaman back in the day. Me, you, and Xanokk would hang out all the time in Org. I think we even played hide and seek one night. You used to whisper me in TS while we did MC and Id respond to the whole group not knowing. I hope you’re doing well!

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Molagmar, Orc Shaman, main-specc’d Resto.

Can’t remember the name of the guild I was in, but I do remember playing with Paragon (who played a belf Paladin come Wrath), a fury Warrior who could not pronounce my name over Ventrillo to save his life, and hunter who switched to shaman, then promptly left the guild to us.

I’m now going to be playing on Fairbanks (likely), and forming a new guild.