Mueh'zala Unkillable Bug

In De Other Side on Normal difficulty, the Mueh’zala encounter is bugging out. For the first phase change where you take the portals and kill the Shadows of Mueh’zala to activate the idols, its working fine. After the second phase change though, any idols that are left will not spawn a Bwonsamdi shadow to damage Mueh’zala.

This only started happening today, and specifically on Normal sense I was able to clear it on Heroic earlier today, unless the code for it broke at a later point in the day than I had run it on heroic.

Here’s a video explaining and showcasing the bug.

Edit: This has been confirmed by players below to be happening in Heroic and Mythic as well. So within the last couple hours has this bug started occuring


This just happened to my group on mythic as well

Yup, can confirm for heroic as well, after killing second round of adds, and clicking the pillars, Bwonsamdi doesn’t show up again to damage the boss. Never going to get the legendary pattern I need at this rate :frowning:

just happened to me too, clicking the totem didn’t activate anything, just make the totem go away on the second shatter reality.

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so can i just have my legendary pattern since i can’t even grind it out for an attempt at this point…like already have to wait for raids to open for my best leggo patterns, but now i cant even get my best currently attainable one.

Yeah, I was getting ready to farm for the touch of death legendary today… Rip. </3

same dude, was just going to spam De Other Side normal queue while farming leather, rip those plans

This just happened to me in my heroic group

Just happened in Heroic.

Just happened on heroic. He’s killable… it just took us 9 minutes to do it.

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Confirmed happened to my LFG heroic group, 4 attempts and all 4 times after killing all 4 totems the fight did not progress as it is supposed to. We tried waiting after he respawned, and waiting after clicking the totems for him to pull us infront of him.

Confirmed in Heroic.

We spent 23 minutes slowly grinding him down.

Having same issue in Mythic.

Can someone ping me when this is fixed? :confused: My legendary comes from De Other Side >_<