Much better than last expansion i like the new direction

I have been doing the quests for lore master this expansion after finishing the last expansions and i found the story is far better than last time. Last expansion the reason we go from area to area was weak. This time it is story based and it makes sense. I am really enjoying it. And the aesthetic is better, seeing floating ships didn’t make sense. When you go through the story just flying around you really feel those themes of fantasy. My only question so far in the last section with the spiders is where is thrall? He was in the cinematic yet he is awol? The only thing that would have made things better is if we got a new race. (The earthen don’t really count, we have dwarves now we have neutral dwarves like pandaren meh). If they added a necromancer or warden class they would have really just knocked it out of the park. If they didn’t want to add a new race.

Early on, Thrall and Jaina went back to get Horde and Alliance reinforcements. They return late in the campaign.

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