MT looking for guild on PVP server

Warrior tank here. Super excited for Classic. Looking for a great guild that mainly focuses on raids but also has fun doing PVP. I need help deciding between Alliance or Horde so this would greatly help me decide. (I’ve always been Horde)
Been playing since late vanilla, and I’m very familiar with the PVE scene.
On retail I currently have every single tank class, and it’s what I find the most fun. I have also healed and DPS with various other classes.

I can raid weekdays and weekends starting from 9pm EST (Or 6pm PST) I would like to stick to only two raiding nights a week because we’ve grown up from the vanilla days and now we’ve got adult responsibilities.




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Buoomp! :grinning:

For some reason I can’t edit the post but:

I can start at 9pm EST or 6pm EST during the weekend


We are starting up an Alliance guild with weekend raid times. If interested please join our discord:

Or add me: Oddish#1277

(sidenote, I am also a 29 year old female :slight_smile: )

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I added you on bnet :slight_smile:

As far as whether you should go alliance or horde, if you plan on primarily doing PvE, then go alliance. They are objectively better due to paladins. Not to mention being pocketed by one in PvP is delightful, but there is something special about having windfury and just dropping people too.

Honestly, my heart belongs to the horde. However, it would be nice to experience all the alliance lore. But being a warrior, I’ll feel like I NEED to be human, but I dislike humans probably equally to Blood Elves lol

Fair enough lol if you’re tanking then yeah you’d want to be human. Or night elf I suppose but, yeah…

Maybe just stick with horde, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it, and alliance lore in vanilla summed up is stormwind bad didn’t pay people then murdered them when they complained, onyxia is there too.


Tank 4 Life here too… its like letting someone else drive you but you don’t trust them…so you drive their car for them! woo!

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Yeah for sure, I’d probably go NE. (Or maybe even Gnome?) I’m just a little scared that others might shame me for not being Human :woman_shrugging:

As for Horde, I would be either Orc or Tauren, easy pick.

But honestly, as long as I find a good/friendly guild, I really don’t care which side I’m on.

I’d go gnome purely for the lols. Escape artist is pretty good in PvP too, but yeah that sounds fair, i’m sure you’ll find a good guild, lots of people recruiting ahead of time :+1:

Don’t forget to check the classic reddit too for recruiters.

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Hi, i would like to introduce the guild Bourbon Raiders. We are a casueal, famiky friendly guild. Our website is (bourbonraiders.guildlaunch.(com). If interested hit me up on my battletag: Breakout#1905.

Hey, I accepted your invite. :slight_smile: If you wanted to see our forum post for reference it’s here:

[A][Classic] <Rewind> Recruiting for Weekend Raiding